When they walked into the drawing room Aiden stood, his face full of remorse.

"Come along Benjamin, these two need to talk."

Ben's face fell, "But..."

"I'll make you your own pot in the kitchen." Adelaide winked at Meryn and pulled Ben out of the room before sliding the door shut behind them.

"I'm sorry." Aiden said immediately.

"For what?"

"For talking down to you. For not realizing why you didn't want to be apart." Meryn couldn't forgive him just yet. She wanted to know how he felt.

"Why don't I want us to be apart?" She asked softly. Aiden's eyes filled with tears, but she watched as he fought to keep them from falling.

"Because you care about me." He watched her carefully.

"And how do you think I felt when it seemed like you were okay with being away from me?"

"Probably close to how I felt when you let my brother comfort you instead of me." She couldn't take the pain in his eyes anymore.

"You are such a big, freaking idiot." She threw her hands up. He watched her cautiously.

"But ... you're my big, freaking idiot and I don't want us to be apart." Aiden shoved the ottoman out of the way and pulled her into his arms.

"And you're my tiny menace. I don't want us to be apart either but I'm not sure how we can get this to work." He admitted.

She shrugged. "There's no rush, right? We can figure something out."

"Yeah, we'll definitely work something out, because you're right. I don't think we should be apart either."

"Good. Now, can I have some of this amazing tea Ben told me about?" Aiden laughed.

"Come on, we'll have some fresh in the kitchen." Together they left the drawing room and walked into the kitchen.

"I'll share my tea with Meryn but not you since you've already had some." Ben pouted.

"Little boys forever, I swear." Adelaide rolled her eyes.

"I'll just have a sip, I'm more of a coffee drinker anyway, unless I'm on my laptop then I prefer Earl Grey, its better on my eyes." Meryn picked up Ben's cup and took a small sip. The tea was sweet, but not a heavy sweet.

"This is delicious. He likes his tea sweet like me!"

"Actually, there's no sweetener in it, it's naturally sweet." Adelaide explained.

"I love it! What is it?" Meryn took another healthy swig and passed the cup regretfully back to Ben.

"It's a hybridization of a rare Chinese Oolong and a fae blend. It's called Honeycup." Adelaide pulled out a small canister.

"The boys get it for me every year at Christmas." She smiled at her sons. Meryn turned and gave Aiden puppy dog eyes.

"Looks like we have to add Meryn to the list this year." Meryn danced around happily before she remembered that morning.

"Maybe you should save some for your dad." She suggested.

"Byron? Why?" Adelaide looked interested.

"I may or may not have called the vampire Elder guy a douche bag." Both Ben and Adelaide stared at her.

"It was an accident!" Meryn exclaimed. Adelaide stood.

"Marius! Marius!" She called and began to pull ingredients from the cabinets.

"My lady! Whatever is the matter?" Marius appeared in the doorway a cleaning cloth in one hand.

"Can you reach out to your contact in the city to see if they have any fresh lobster delivered from Maine today? I'm afraid Byron may have had a rough afternoon with the council, and will need a special dinner." She grimaced.

"Of course. How bad?" he asked. Meryn looked anywhere but at Adelaide.

"I'm making a Honey Bun cake." Was Adelaide's response. Marius paled.

"I'll go myself." Marius removed the apron and darted from the room.

"I'm so sorry!" Meryn wailed.

"Don't be sweetheart, you haven't said anything we haven't all thought at one point or another. Plus, you're still so very young and new to our world." Adelaide pulled a dozen eggs from the refrigerator.

"She did earn an invitation from Elder Vi'Ailean to visit his prized gardens." Aiden said grinning from ear to ear. Adelaide paused and this time she looked delighted when she turned to Meryn.

"High praise indeed. Only a handful of people have ever been invited to the heart of a fae garden. I can't wait to drop that pretty little bomb on Daphane Bowers. Wonderful job Meryn." She congratulated.

"But what about the vampire guy?"

"He's only popular with other vampires. It won't hurt your reputation one bit if that story leaks out, it might actually help." Adelaide giggled. "He is a pompous douche bag though." Adelaide said breaking open eggs.

"Mother!" Aiden and Ben sounded shocked. Adelaide ignored them.

"Oh, Aiden, you might want to take Meryn to her apartment to fetch her things before dinner. She might like to put on some new underthings." Adelaide turned to the cabinet.

"How did you know he ripped them off? Are paranormal's psychics?" Meryn demanded. Adelaide dropped the large stainless steel bowl she had pulled out of the cabinet.

"He did? Oh dear, I only assumed that you would like fresh clothes." Adelaide blushed clear to her hairline. Beside her Aiden groaned and buried his face in his hands. Meryn turned to Ben, who was staring at them, his eyes wide.

"Right. Well, on that note, let's go!" Meryn grabbed Aiden's hand and pulled him out of the kitchen.