"Thank you Sydney, I feel like I am going into battle tomorrow with no ammo." Meryn admitted.

"Trust me darlin', I can give you lots and lots of ammo." He winked.

"Wonderful. I don't know if introducing the two of you was smart or not." Aiden took the heavy shopping bag from Meryn and easily held it along with her new machine.

"Definitely not a good idea, but I have a feeling it will be entertaining." Justice smiled.

"True. Okay Menace, let's go." Aiden steered her to the door. Meryn waved and laughed at Sydney who was holding his pinky and thumb up to his face in the universal 'Call Me' sign. She nodded.

Aiden took her all around the city showing her his favorite hangout places and restaurants. She laughed at the child like delight he displayed when they were at the bakery. She giggled when he ordered bear claws and he laughed with her. Then he amazed her by eating almost a dozen.

"You don't get to judge. You drink insane amounts of coffee and I love sweets." Aiden poked a finger in her side causing her to squeal.

"Bear claws for your bear claws. Grrrrr." Meryn held up her curled fingers in a mock growl. Aiden threw his head back and laughed openly. When his smiling face turned to her, she couldn't help it. She stood up from her chair and captured his lips. She saw his stunned expression before she closed her eyes as he took over. His hand cupped the back of her head and she felt his agile tongue trace the roof of her mouth. Her legs were shaking when they broke apart.

"You taste like lemons." He took a deep breath and shifted in his seat uncomfortably. He winced as he adjusted his pants. Dazed, she nodded and sat back down. Damn that man. His kisses made her stupid.

"Good work there Commander." A male voice congratulated.

"Thanks Darren. How's your mate?" Aiden stood and greeted the bakery owner who had approached their table.

"She's fine. She'll kill me for saying anything, but I'm dying to share. She's expecting." Meryn thought the man would burst out of his apron with pride. Aiden's face lit up and he thrust his hand forward. The baker gripped Aiden's hand and shook it vigorously.

"She's hoping for a girl. I don't care as long as it's healthy. A boy or girl can always help out around here." Darren beamed.

"Darren, this is my mate Meryn. Meryn this is Darren Williams. He was third in command to the Gamma Unit a couple years ago. He retired to take over the family bakery here in the city. I think we are all thankful for that. His sweets are to die for." Aiden introduced the man. Meryn stood and found herself swept up in a hug. Darren released her and she moved closer to Aiden.

"Commander I'm so glad the spell worked. I know from personal experience that you men need mates. I remember how bad some nights can get after a mission." Darren shuddered.

"It's been interesting so far." Aiden squeezed her hand.

"At first I was scared since I didn't even know any of this existed, but now ..." She looked up at Aiden.

"I can't remember what my life was like before Aiden." She said shyly.

"We need to go." Aiden said abruptly. He picked up her espresso machine and shopping bag and pulled her from the store without even saying goodbye.

"Have fun Commander!" Darren yelled as the door shut behind them.

"Rude!" Meryn snapped as Aiden, who with her espresso machine tucked under one arm, dragged her through the crowd back to the parking garage.

"Aiden?" Meryn was confused. Had she said something wrong?

"Shush. Don't say anything else, my control is hanging by a thread." Aiden said darting between people.

When they got to the car he popped the trunk and dropped her machine and bag inside. He opened the car door, got her seated and practically ran back to the driver's side.

"If I said something I shouldn't have, just tell me." Meryn protested.

"Not another word." Meryn fumed beside him. She hated being treated like a child. She gazed out of the window and the trees flew by. Before she realized it, they were back at the house. He parked right in front of the door. Not wanting to piss him off even further she waited for him to open the door. He jerked it open, grabbed her hand and pulled her out.

He surprised her when he headed to the back instead of going to the front door. They walked past the manicured flower beds and Koi ponds. She didn't have time to admire the gazebo or rose covered trellis. He kept marching until they hit the woods and still he walked. She could tell they were on an established path, but it was one created after years of being walked instead of man made with stone or brick.

He didn't stop until the trees cleared to reveal a small mountain brook. When she looked around, she felt like the city and the house were worlds away. This place felt so isolated and peaceful. Finally Aiden dropped her hand and went to stand by the brook looking down at the water.

"Aiden, whatever I did, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you." Meryn hung her head.

"Is that what you think?" Aiden spun and closed the distance between them in two steps.

"I dragged you out of there before you said anything else that would have me claiming you on the tables of Darren's bakery for all of Lycaonia to see. Do you have any idea what your words did to me?" He demanded seconds before his lips descended on hers.

One second, she was apologizing, the next she had forgotten what planet she was on. The more he suckled and traced her lips the hotter her core became. Each pull felt like his lips were wrapped around her clit shooting sparks of pleasure through her body. All from a kiss. She felt liquid pooling between her legs and she wanted him more than she wanted anything else in her whole life.