"I'm glad. Meryn, I had Marius make you a cake to take over to Elder V'Ailean's for your visit. It's Vivian's favorite, a Lemon Crunch Cake. Please give it to her with my thanks. She made last night so pleasant." Adelaide sipped her tea.

"Sure, what time do I ..." Meryn's question was cut off by a deafening roar. Aiden charged into the room and pinned Ryuu to the wall by the throat. Meryn's mouth dropped.

"What the hell Aiden? Let him go!" Meryn yelled.

"He has marked you. He has put his mark on you. You! My mate!" Aiden roared. Ryuu on the other hand, looked calm. He accepted Aiden's treatment. He simply turned his face to Meryn.

"What would you have me do Denka? He is your mate and I don't wish to harm him." His voice was composed, even pleasant.

"Aiden, please!" There was no talking to her mate, Aiden had flipped his shit. She looked at Ryuu.

"Get away if you can, without permanently injuring him." She was so mad at Aiden, she was tempted to go get the toilet back from the downstairs bathroom and brain him with it.

"As you wish." Ryuu's dark eyes flashed as blue fire covered his body. With a yelp Aiden dropped him and stood back, holding his arm.

"Did you electrocute me?" Aiden asked wincing.

"It can feel that way to some. You must be very strong, most are not able to remain conscious after receiving such a jolt." Ryuu complimented.

"Why did you mark my mate?" Aiden demanded.

"She accepted me as her squire. In my country this means the joining of our houses, it is a bond that will last until either my line ends or yours. The mark is simply a physical manifestation of that bond that will allow me to serve and protect my charge better." Ryuu explained.

"Look Aiden, I got my own tattoo! It's not a sexy mark like your bite." Meryn held up her wrist and showed Aiden the mark. He brought her wrist up to his face and began to cover her with his scent.

"What do you mean allow you to serve her better? I want to be crystal, fucking, clear about your serving duties." Aiden growled. Meryn rolled her eyes.

"I will watch over her, guide her, teach her. I will be her mentor and friend. I will guard her health and happiness and protect her with my life." Ryuu clarified.

"You touch her, if you even look at her like ..." Aiden started.

Ryuu shook his head. "The bond I share with Denka is beyond the physical. You wouldn't understand as you have never served." Ryuu crossed his arms over his chest.

"Master Aiden, maybe I can help explain." Marius stepped forward. Aiden gave a curt nod for him to continue.

"There was a time when your father and I stood across from one another much like you and Master Ryuu are doing now. Your father was afraid I desired his mate, and though I loved her I would never hurt her by dishonoring her bond with Byron, to do so would have destroyed a piece of me. When you are a squire, a good squire, your whole world narrows and all you see is your charge. The bond is profound, but it is a platonic one, I assure you." Marius placed a hand on Aiden's shoulder.

"He will be to your children as I was to you. Please believe me when I say you could not ask for a better man." Marius nodded to Ryuu who exhaled loudly.

"My story has reached even as far as here?" He asked. Marius nodded.

"Had I known who you were, we would have simply had you over for tea to see if you were compatible with little miss. You have my apologies for being subjected to such rudimentary tests." Marius bowed low.

"Umm. What did I miss?" Meryn asked.

"I must have missed something as well, can you explain Marius?" Adelaide demanded. Marius turned to her apologetically.

"Since I had to reach out to those I knew in Japan, his background check only just came in fifteen minutes ago. There was a long delay in responding because they could not believe that Ryuu had left Japan. The reason why we didn't recognize his name and assumed he was a new squire is because he has only served one family. That family lost their last surviving member last month and in a drunken stupor an extended family member accused Ryuu of murdering his Master and exiled him from Japan. Everyone knew this to be a lie, but the damage had been done. Ryuu left Japan to come here." Marius turned to Ryuu.

"I am sorry if I am over sharing, but Adelaide is my charge and Meryn her daughter, they need to understand." Marius bowed again. Ryuu shook his head.

"It is better that this is discussed up front, that way we can put it behind us. I do not fault you for your loyalties."

"When you say he has only served one family, what does that mean?" Adelaide asked.

"I served my Master's family for a very long time. I protected his line, but in the end, I could not save them from old age. I came here to this new land to die, to rest. But it seems like Fate has something else in store for me, she is a hard taskmaster, but I think I will enjoy looking after you Denka."

Aiden cleared his throat.

"I guess you'll do." He said begrudgingly.

"I am grateful for your words." Ryuu inclined his head.

"Shit! What time is it?" Meryn exclaimed as she realized that it was nearly time for her visit with Elder Vi'Ailean's mate.

"Time for you to be leaving. Marius, the cake." Adelaide reminded them. Aiden turned to Ryuu.

"She has someone after her ..." He started.

Ryuu's answering smile was chilling. "I have heard of this monster. I hope that I get the chance to eradicate this filth from her life."