"I never even asked. Would you like to be my squire Ryuu?" Meryn had a flash of fear that he would say no.

"Let me ask. Will it bother you that I am Japanese and not of European descent?"

"No, I never even saw that as being an issue." Meryn answered truthfully.

"I keep forgetting how very young and human you are." Ryuu answered with a gentle smile.

"Will it bother you that I'm human?" Meryn asked, feeling prickly, especially after Jungen's mongrel comment.

"No. I meant that in a good way. You see things differently than we do. Paranormals live for long periods of time and we tend to get trapped in the past. But you see things as fresh and new. Nothing is impossible and everything can be conquered."

"Do you think you'll be happy here? You'll be very far from home." Instead of answering Ryuu looked towards the hallway.

"Would you like to go for a stroll outside?" Ryuu suggested.

"Stay close to the house. I'm not sure if Marius explained, but Meryn has been threatened. Her safety must always come first." Adelaide said in her mom voice.

"Of course." Ryuu stood and waited for Meryn by the door. She joined him and they walked side by side through the house and out the back door.

"I did not mean to be disrespectful to Lady Adelaide, but you will be the one I am serving. My story is for you to hear." Ryuu looked out at the trees and sighed.

"You are right Lady Meryn, I ..."

"Just Meryn is fine." Ryuu shook his head. "Your mate, when he inherits, will be the closest thing to a sovereign our people will ever know, I cannot speak to you in such a common way."

"I don't like the way Lady Meryn sounds, it makes you feel too far away."

Ryuu smiled. "I am a servant, our positions are very far apart."

"Listen, you're right. I am young and I am human, but more than that I'm an American. To me everyone is equal. I don't need a servant. I need a friend. I need someone who will help me navigate this world without embarrassing myself or Aiden. I need someone that I can lean on when this world gets to be too strange. I need someone that I can rely on. Will you be my friend Ryuu?" Meryn couldn't keep the emotion out of her voice. She wanted the level of comfort and trust she saw between Adelaide and Marius.

Ryuu cupped her cheek and for the first time she saw the intensity of his feelings in his eyes. He took a deep breath and the veranda dropped away, a huge palace appeared behind him. Autumn disappeared to be replaced by a balmy summer afternoon. In the distance she could hear a shine's bell toll as a comforting breeze wove in and out of the bamboo trees. She didn't know how he did it, but she was standing in a royal palace in Japan and every breath and movement felt slow as if they were one step out of time.

"When I lost my previous Master, I did not dare to hope that I would find another to whom I could serve from the depths of my soul. But your sincere wish for a friend, not someone to subjugate, assures me that you are someone that I can serve. I have felt connected to you since the moment I entered the drawing room. It seems that Fate isn't quite finished with me, and in you I have a fresh start and a new purpose."

He stepped back and dropped to one knee, bringing her hand to his lips.

"I swear to you on my life that I will dedicate my existence to serving you. That my children will serve your children, until the day that one of our lines ceases to exist. I swear to put you above all others, save my mate and my children. Your health and happiness will be placed above my own. Do you accept me Meryn Evans? As your guide, your sword and your shield?" The words as they were spoken sounded as if he were speaking a ritual or a spell. Meryn hesitated only for a moment. Fate had brought her this far, she had to trust that Ryuu was also brought to her for a reason too.

"Yes, I accept you." No sooner had she spoken the words when a searing pain encircled her wrist. The vision cleared and they were back on Adelaide's veranda where the October sun provided just enough warmth, making the cool fall breeze enjoyable. Ryuu winked up at her and stood.

"We are bound together for all eternity. It feels good to be in service again." Meryn noticed that he seemed younger, happier, as if the burdens on him had lightened.

"Well someone doesn't have commitment issues."

"We were meant to be Meryn. Fate brought me here."

"I thought the same thing before I said yes." Meryn pulled up her sleeve and stared. Around her wrist, like a sapphire bracelet was a blue dragon tattoo.

"Wicked! I get a tattoo! Ha. Take that Aiden!"

"It will allow me to monitor your health, track your location and interpret your feelings." Meryn didn't know how she felt about that.

"We're going to have to work on your communication skills."

"Oh, I don't know. I think I timed it perfectly." Ryuu said with a straight face.

"It's gorgeous. I love it." Meryn couldn't stop staring.

"Denka, it's getting colder, we should go inside."

"What's Denka?" Meryn asked heading towards the door.

"You don't like when I call you Lady Meryn, Denka, is a formal mode of address in my language, equivalent to something akin to Royal Highness." Ryuu held the door open for her.

"I like it."

"Have you worked everything out?" Adelaide asked when they entered the drawing room.

"Yes. I think he and I will get along perfectly." Ryuu had taken a position behind her, standing feet spread, hands clasped behind his back.