"Thank you gentlemen, everything looks delicious. If you would just follow Marius, he has prepared his own special version of tea as a thank you for applying." The men followed Marius out the door. Adelaide held up a hand when Meryn went to speak. A couple minutes later she turned to Meryn.

"So. What do you think?"

"I was hoping you would tell me what you thought."

"Your opinion is more important than mine, they will be serving you, not me." Adelaide reminded her.

"Jungen is a hell no."

"Can I ask why? I just want to hear your reasoning."

"He creeps me out. I would never feel comfortable around him."

"I agree. I would have dismissed him outright due to his slovenly appearance, but wanted to be fair."

"I bet that's what got Marius's dander up." Meryn giggled.

"I bet you're right. That man is fastidious. What about the golden boy Dennis?"

"He made me smile. He's very open and fun. I could see myself relaxing around him. But ..." Meryn hesitated.

"What dear?"

"He flirted with you which I didn't like. He didn't listen. He acted on his own assumptions that he knew best. I could see Marius doing something like that, but he'd be right to do it and tell you why. Like; 'Meryn wear your jacket it's cold outside'." Meryn mimicked Marius's voice.

"The french onion soup was divine."

"I bet it was, but I don't like heavy meals at lunch time or milk in my tea."

"Go on. What about the dashing prince-like Ryuu and don't bother denying you didn't look. I've been mated centuries longer than you have, and I looked."

"He makes me feel safe, like Aiden does. There's just something about him. I feel like I know him from somewhere, like a childhood best friend or something. It's like I know I could depend on him for anything. He asked good questions about why I liked something and even though he didn't prepare what I preferred, he took into consideration why I liked it. If he were my squire, I wouldn't have to worry about a thing, I have a feeling he'd even think for me if I asked him to."

"I think you have your answer, dear one."

"Plus, he's dreamy."

"Yes, dear. But don't ever let Aiden hear you say that. I made the mistake of mentioning how handsome I thought Marius was when he first joined us, I didn't hear the end of that until after Ben was born."

"I'd never ever betray Aiden."

"And I would never betray Byron." They stared at each other before Adelaide gave her a knowing smile. "But, that doesn't mean you can't appreciate a handsome face, especially one that will be taking care of you. I never once thought of Marius in that way, but there were days where I needed him more than I needed Byron. That creates a bond, it doesn't mean you don't love your mate, it just means that there is room in your heart for more." Adelaide poured a cup of Darjeeling.

"Do you love Marius?" Meryn asked.

"Yes, very much. But it's somewhere between brother and best friend."

"I think I know which one to choose."

"The men will be back soon. Eat your dumplings."

Meryn dug into the small sweet treats. She poured a cup of the green tea and sweetened it with a bit of sugar. When she took a sip with the dumpling she sighed happily. They complimented each other perfectly.

"Hana Yori Dango." She popped another in her mouth.

"What's that dear?" Adelaide asked.

"Dumplings over flowers. Or practical things over pretty things."

"Aren't you getting both?" Adelaide teased.

"Oh, hush you." Meryn smiled. Adelaide just sipped her tea and let Meryn think.

An hour later the men returned. Meryn let Adelaide take over. She'd just stammer her way through and they wouldn't understand a word.

"Meryn and I have discussed things over with great deliberation. After taking all things into consideration, she would like to extend the offer to Ryuu Sei."

"What! Why!" Jungen demanded. He had turned an unhealthy shade of red and looked like he was about to blow.

"We feel that he will be a better fit in our household." Adelaide advised simply.

"I refuse to accept that this foreigner would be a better squire than someone of my caliber." Jungen ground out the words from behind clenched teeth.

"Dude, seriously, you never stood a chance. A little piece of advice. Shower before interviews. Okay?" Meryn couldn't help it. Jungen had no right to belittle Ryuu. She felt an irrational sense of loyalty to the man already.

"I should have listened to Daphane Bowers, there's no way a human mongrel like you would appreciate high class service." Jungen spat.

"Marius please escort this man from my home immediately." Adelaide ordered. Marius moved quicker than Meryn thought possible.

"Unhand me!" Jungen took a swing at Marius, easily ducked before twisting the man's arm behind him.

"I'll get the door." Dennis said standing quickly. "I have nothing against humans, I think you're lovely Meryn. Hopefully I'll see you again in another household." Dennis winked at Meryn and ran ahead to get the door for Marius.

"I liked your pasta!" Meryn yelled after him.

"Thanks!" Was the reply. They heard a loud slam, the sound of a man's whimper, Dennis laughing and then silence. Throughout the entire scene Ryuu hadn't said a word.