"The witches' symbol represents the triple Goddess, it shows her three incarnations, Maiden, Mother and Crone." Gavriel lifted his sleeve. He had a dragon twined around to make an infinity symbol with the head eating the tail.

"It's the vampiric symbol for eternity since we are immortal." He lowered his sleeve. Meryn turned to Aiden.

"I want a tattoo."

Aiden choked on his tea. "You don't get one."

"Why not? Don't they have mate tattoos? Is there a human symbol?" Meryn asked Adelaide since Aiden was being obstinate.

"I'm afraid not, my dear. Maybe you can design one." She suggested.

"Mother! I ..." His words were cut off by his cell phone ringing. He immediately stopped what he was saying and answered.

"Aiden here. Yes sir, yes sir. I understand." Aiden stood and snapped his fingers to Gavriel. The men popped up.

"Right away." He hung up the phone.

"Colton you stay here, I want you to guard Meryn. The rest of you with me." Aiden leaned down and kissed her quickly.

"Take Colton with you, I'm fine here." Meryn protested.

"I wish I could leave more." She could tell Aiden was torn.

"What are we, chopped liver? Go Aiden, we won't let anything happen to your mate." Adam stood and walked over to stand behind Meryn.

Adair nodded. "You may be Unit Commander little brother, but don't forget that I'm Head Master at the training academy." He added. Ben also stood.

"And I'm a unit warrior too Aiden. I'll call Sascha and tell him I'm crashing here." Meryn had never felt so protected.

"I don't need to remind you that I used to be Unit Commander do I son?" Byron asked. Aiden shook his head.

"Okay, okay." He looked down at her.

"I'll be back as soon as I can. Colton will stay here with you." He turned to the men.

"Alpha move out." The men sprinted out of the dining room. When Meryn heard the front door close it hit her that he was leaving to go risk his life and she hadn't even said goodbye. Adam ruffled her hair.

"Hey short stuff, he'll be back. Don't worry about him, he's very good at what he does." He took Aiden's seat and placed another slice of roast beef on her plate.

"Eat up. Red meat during your cycle will help restore the iron in your blood." Meryn nodded, but didn't think she could eat another bite. The food she had already eaten had turned to a brick in her stomach.

"Marius maybe you could get Bronwyn to make Meryn a special cup of tea." Adelaide suggested.

Marius nodded. "I was just about to recommend that myself." Marius said.

"Who's Bronwyn?" Meryn looked at Marius.

"Bronwyn is my mate. She is painfully shy. I expect she will introduce herself in a few days. She makes the most calming and delicious teas in Lycaonia." He said proudly.

"Like the one from last night?"

He nodded, "Yes, that is one of her most popular blends." He gave a short bow and headed to the kitchen.

Meryn pushed her food around on her plate. Minutes later Marius returned with a cup of steaming tea and a large slice of chocolate cake. Meryn licked her lips.

"Thank you Marius." Meryn pushed her food plate to one side and pulled the slice of chocolate cake towards her. Adam went to intercept and pull the roast beef back when she slapped his arm.

"It's chocolate, I'll cut you!"

Adam frowned down at her. "No need to get violent."

Colton chuckled, "She gave me a bloody nose. I've said it from the beginning, she's perfect for Aiden. She'll drive him nuts." Meryn took another bite of cake, chewed and swallowed.

"Aren't I supposed to?"

Byron nodded, "Yes, you are."

After finishing her tea and two slices of cake Meryn yawned. Damn that tea worked fast. She yawned again. Heedless of table manners, she crossed her arms on the table and laid her head down. She was just starting to doze when she heard Byron say.

"No, I'll take her." She was lifted gently. The swaying motion of being carried lulled her further before she gave up and fell asleep.


"Meryn, Meryn." A whispered voice pulled her out of her sleep.

"Aiden?" She blinked, barely making out a figure in the dark.

"No, it's Colton."

"What the hell time is it?" She muttered.

"Seven am, just before dawn. I wanted to tell you Aiden made it back. He and the men are crashing at the barracks, you'll see him later today." Colton sounded as relieved as she felt.

"Thank you for telling me." His figure started to walk away and suddenly she didn't want to be alone.

"Can't you stay, for a little bit?"

"Do you want Aiden to kill me?

"Please? I feel shaky, like I want to cry, but I don't know why. It's confusing." She admitted. She heard him sigh.

"It's because you're relieved that Aiden is okay and your body is craving his. Fine. But if you tell Aiden I did this, I'll deny it." She heard him rustle around in the darkness.

"Colton?" She got no response. Seconds later a heavy weight jumped up on the bed. In the pre-dawn light she watched as a giant wolf walked up the bed and curled up next to her. She was going to sleep next to a wolf! How cool was that?

"I've never had a dog before." Colton growled.

"I think I like you better like this." Meryn gently rubbed the soft fur behind his ears. One leg started to kick.