"Or you could do wolf constellations racing across the ceiling. I've always thought that twinkly lights were soothing." Meryn turned her head so that only Elise saw her wink. Elise's eyes widened and she hid a smile behind her napkin.

"Really! Elise!" Daphane protested.

"Let the youngsters talk Daphane. I like hearing about new ideas, very stimulating." Lady Fairfax, the old, cranky looking woman spoke up for the first time. Meryn shied away from her at first, because she reminded her of her own grandmother, but she was rapidly becoming one of her favorite amongst the ladies.

"Yes Daphane, Elise hasn't looked better in months." Horseface countered. Seeing that she was outnumbered Daphane backed down. But Meryn could tell something else was brewing.

"So Adelaide, how does it feel to have one of your children finally mated? I have to say I was rather shocked to hear you had to cast a spell in order for your son to find a mate and a human at that." Daphane sipped her tea.

Bitch said what? Okay gloves are coming off now.

"Isn't it miraculous?" Meryn gushed. She clutched her throat in a sensational fashion. The ladies leaned forward instinctively.

"Fate chose Adelaide to help so many warriors find mates. I mean, in all of the world she trusted her to channel her purpose through. Because of Adelaide, so many good men will find their mates and fulfill Fate's design. Only she could have come up with such a practical yet efficient plan. It's almost like Adelaide became one with the Divine." Meryn closed her eyes and heaved a dreamy sigh. She opened her eyes a crack to take a peep. She prayed that she hadn't gone too over the top with it. To her delight the women around her were weeping and staring at Adelaide in something close to reverence.

"I always knew she was meant for great things."

"Lady McKenzie you simply have to come to my luncheon I have planned next week!'

"She was guided by the Divine!"

"I've always known that House McKenzie was blessed." The excited voices of the women around her had Meryn turning her head to hide her grin.

Check and mate bitch.

"To think Fate herself worked through you Adelaide. How exciting!" Horseface was practically vibrating in her chair.

Outside the faint sound of bells ringing signaled the top of the hour. Adelaide stood and everyone quieted immediately. She looked somewhat surprised at that.

"Ladies, thank you so much for coming today to welcome my daughter to Lycaonia. Your presence here speaks volumes to your character. I hope that she has discovered as many friends amongst you as I have." The ladies all preened and clapped a round of applause.

"Until next time." Adelaide nodded and one by one each woman stopped to speak to her.

Elise made her way over to where Meryn was standing next to Adelaide and took both of her hands in hers.

"Thank you, I won't forget your help today. I would like to talk to you again." Elise said shyly.

"Sure. That'd be great, though I have to warn you, I'm really kind of awkward and have never really had a girlfriend before." Meryn confessed.

"Me either. Not a true friend. I have a feeling that you would be a true friend Meryn McKenzie." Elise nodded and hurried to catch up to her mother-in-law who had been one of the first to leave.

"Meryn McKenzie huh? Doesn't sound too bad." Meryn mused to herself. Adelaide walked the last woman out. When she returned to the drawing room, she was bubbling with laughter. She wrapped her arms around Meryn and practically tackled her to the sofa.

"Became one with the Divine? Oh my goodness Meryn, I thought you said you didn't know how society women were." Adelaide and Meryn sat up breathing hard from all the laughter.

"I said I didn't like it, I never said I wouldn't be any good at it."

"You made an enemy today." Adelaide warned.

Meryn shrugged. "I can live with that. It's a good thing this thing wrapped at three, I was two seconds away from throat punching that bitch. How can you stand her?" Meryn ground her teeth together.

"Because she does do a lot of good work in the community. Her motives may not always be pure, but the end result is the same." Adelaide shrugged.

"I liked Lady Fairfax, she seems like a cool, old lady."

"I like her too. She is very direct and honest. I think maybe she liked you too. Her grandson owns a café in the city called The Jitterbug." Adelaide stood.

"Sydney is her grandson? No wonder I liked her." Meryn mused, putting two and two together. They both had Fairfax as a last name.

"Put your laptop away, dear. I can hear my son pacing in the kitchen. I can't wait to tell him how stupendous you were." Meryn blushed. She followed Adelaide to the kitchen. Aiden and his unit stood. They had been snacking on leftovers from the sewing circle's tea.

"So how did it go?" Aiden held out a chair for her. For a second she felt disappointed he didn't scoop her up in his lap. She sat down and waved at Adelaide to fill them in.

"Your mate, singlehandedly routed every attempt Daphane Bowers made to belittle her or me. In fact, she may have elevated me to a 'Divine' status." Adelaide smiled broadly.

"I've always thought you were divine." Byron said coming up behind his mate and kissing her neck.

"Oh Byron I wish you could have seen it. Meryn was absolutely perfect. When Daphane insinuated that the only way our son could find a mate was to cast a spell, Meryn turned it on her. She said that Fate chose me as a vessel to help so many warriors find their mates."