Meryn walked over to stand beside the men.

"You're all little boys. Every single one of you." She nudged the back of Aiden's knee with her foot laughing when his leg collapsed causing him to wobble.

"Those men deserved worse. Maybe they'll think twice before doing such wicked things again." Gavriel's tone was cordial.

"Move out!" Aiden barked and the men moved to their car. Aiden held the door open for her and she got in. Two days. Her life had been completely changed in just two short days. She shook her head and tried not to think about it. She was having more fun now than she had in years. She glanced over at Aiden. She had never been in love before, but so far it was a wonderful feeling. Growing up, she and learned to rely on herself. Having people take care of her was something new. Grudgingly, she was being forced to open her tiny bubble and let others in. That was more terrifying than falling in love.

"Whatever it is, quit thinking about it so hard. What will happen, will happen." Aiden's voice startled her out of her anxiety spiral.

"What if I'm scared about what will happen?" She whispered.

"Tell me what scares you and I'll kill it." Aiden shrugged. Meryn shook her head; of course the arrogant bastard wouldn't dream that she was scared about her future with him.

"Why are you so confident about us? Do mates ever get divorced?" She watched his face carefully. She was beginning to like his frowny face. If that wasn't love, what was?

"No. Once we find our destined mates, we are with them for life."

"How do you know that we're destined mates? Maybe you just like my perfume." Meryn didn't know why she was fighting this so hard. Given what she had been told about paranormals she knew Aiden was her mate. But, it was difficult to believe that he blindly accepted her because of Fate and not because he desired her.

"You don't wear perfume." Aiden's simple reply made her want to beat her head against the dash. She turned and stared out the window, silent.

After a few minutes she watched as the car Colton was driving turned to head towards Aiden's parent's house. Their car veered off to the right. Aiden pulled over to the side of the road. The tree branches overhead extended out over the road creating a fall-colored canopy in reds, oranges and yellows.

"Why did you stop here?"

"You don't wear perfume." Aiden repeated. She went to turn away, but his hand cupped the back of her head so that she had to look at him.

"You don't wear perfume so what I smell is the very essence of you. Every slight nuance, every chemical change your body makes, I can smell it. Every time you're angry, every time you're sad, every time you're aroused, there is a distinct smell. Today I smelled your fear, true terror for the first time, and I nearly lost control. I know you're my mate because even though your scent is a physical manifestation it's a true reflection of your soul and that bright soul belongs to me." His blue eyes seemed to radiate their own inner light. It was as if she could truly see into the depths of his being and what she saw brought tears to her eyes.

Deep in his heart, she saw herself.

"I'm weird and awkward! I don't like most people and I don't have one of those social mouth filters!" Meryn exclaimed wiping her eyes. Aiden's smile was kind.

"I know."

"I eat junk food and I don't know how, but I always find a way to get into trouble." Meryn sniffed and wiped her nose on her sleeve. Aiden's mouth twitched.

"I know."

"I can be violent, short tempered and vindictive and I don't know the first thing about being a lady." Meryn looked into his face saddened that she might not live up to expectations. He nodded.

"I know. I know all of that already Meryn. You scaled a fence to trespass on private property because you were curious. You accused me of wanting to wear your skin and you knocked me unconscious with the back of my toilet. You called one of the oldest and most revered members of our society a douche bag and threatened to castrate my best friend. That was roughly in the first twenty four hours I've known you." Meryn closed her eyes and dropped her head. Warm fingers under her chin guided her to look back up at him.

"Do you know what I thought about all of that?" Aiden asked softly. She shook her head, afraid to answer.

"I thought: 'this woman is completely unhinged. I don't know what the hell she's going to say or do next'." He paused. Meryn let her tears fall. She knew that there was no way he would want her! She twisted her face trying to escape his hand, but he refused to let go. Seconds later his lips were on hers. He nipped her lower lip until she opened her mouth. Then he began his assault. His tongue was relentless, twining and dominating hers. When he pulled away, she whimpered at the loss.

"I also thought: 'this woman is the most beautiful, brilliant and captivating person I have ever met. She will keep me on my toes for the rest of our lives'." Aiden's lips returned this time to kiss her gently. When she looked up at him there was no doubt left in her heart. She was meant to be his, for the rest of her life.

"I will drive you out of your mind." She smiled through her tears. Aiden used his thumbs to wipe her cheeks.

"Gods I hope so!" With a final quick kiss, he started the car and drove them back to her new home.


"I'm sorry someone broke into your place Meryn, but can't help but appreciate the consequences. We get to crash here and eat Marius's food!" Colton shoveled in another huge lobster tail in his  mouth.