"I can't wait to get started. I love projects. Thank you."

"You carry your laptop with you? Doesn't it get heavy?" Byron asked.

"Nah, I'm used to it. I can't live without it." Meryn swung her backpack on her shoulder.

"Good luck on your project." The witch Elder sat back in his chair.

As they were walking out of the room Meryn looked up at Aiden.

"Are all vampires douche bags? Because Gavriel wasn't." Aiden grabbed her upper arm and almost began sprinting out into the hallway. Behind her, she could hear Byron's booming laughter fill the council hall. Shit! She kept forgetting that there was no such thing as whispering around paranormals!


"I swear you are trying to kill me!" Aiden exploded once they were back in the car.

"I'm sorry! I forgot that he could hear me. But seriously, that guy was a jerk."

"I know he is, but he is still an Elder. Try not to insult him again. Unfortunately, it isn't us that has to deal with him on a daily basis, it's my father." Aiden started the car.

"Oh, poor Byron." Meryn felt horrible about what she said now. Aiden looked over and took mercy on her.

"Don't feel too bad. I've done worse. I grew up here remember." Aiden took her hand in his and rested them on the center console.

"I bet you and Colton were terrors."

"He was. I just went along to see what would happen. Bears are naturally curious."

"You were pretty badass yourself back there. Thank you for sticking up for me."

"Of course, you're my mate."

"And only you can yell at me?" Meryn teased.

"Exactly." Aiden grinned at her and expertly turned the steering wheel with one hand maneuvering the car into a large public parking garage. When she looked at him and raised an eyebrow, he explained;

"The original city was built before we had cars. The streets are cobblestone and too narrow for vehicles. We built a parking garage on the outskirts and everyone walks in the city. So, where would you like to go first?"


"We have some amazing museums."


"Or we can ... "

"Coffee or I'll cut you!" Aiden laughed and leaned over the console to kiss the tip of her nose.

"Okay, okay. Coffee it is. Come on Menace." He opened the car door and stepped out. Feeling rebellious, she quickly opened her car door and got out. Aiden glared at her,

"Ha!" Meryn gave a fist pump. Aiden rolled his eyes.

She grabbed her backpack and shut the door. She swung it on her back and adjusted the straps.

"You look like a second grader." Aiden had tilted his head and was looking at her funny.

"Fuck and you. I do not. Lots of adults wear vintage tee-shirts. It's an 'in' thing right now." Meryn did have to admit, even if to herself, that she thought she resembled a little kid most days too.

"I think you look cute." Aiden's smile was gentle.

"I'm not cute, I'm sexy." Meryn protested. Aiden had the gall to laugh in her face.

"You're my mate and I say this with all sincerity. You are not sexy, at all. You are like a feisty little spitfire and that's okay. You're completely different and half of what you say I don't understand, but I wouldn't have you any other way." Aiden ruffled her hair and took her hand. She was torn between melting into a puddle at his feet and being offended that he didn't think she was sexy. Flabbergasted she walked beside him, stealing glances up at him to see if he had been poking fun at her. When they crossed the pavement and onto the cobblestones Meryn felt a jolt run through her. There was something about the cobblestones. She jerked her hand out of Aiden's and knelt down to lay her palm flat on the stone's surface.

"There's something weird about the stones." But no matter how she looked at them, they were plain, grey ordinary stones.

"Very good mate of mine. The stones are bespelled. They promote feelings of community and goodwill." Aiden explained.

"Cool." Meryn stood and immediately Aiden took her hand again. She was beginning to see a pattern. He had to be touching her when they were together. Holding her hand, touching her back, even putting her on his lap.

They walked until they reached the end of the long alley. Aiden looked down at her.

"Welcome to Lycaonia." He said and let go of her hand to push her forward. Meryn stepped beyond the tall buildings of the alleyway and gazed around. Everywhere she turned there was something new to see. Vendors laughed and shouted out to people as they walked by trying to sell their wares. Each store was different. In one store window, she could see stacks and stacks of old books and parchment scrolls, at another swords and daggers. One large store window held tiers of delicate looking cakes. She felt her mouth begin to water. When she looked across the street one swinging wooden sign boasted the best magical ingredients sold on the east coast. Magical ingredients! Just when she thought it couldn't get any better the smells began to hit her. Jasmine, honeysuckle, frankincense and myrrh. She looked past the magic shop and saw an apothecary. The delicious fragrance of freshly baked bread and cinnamon rolls spun her around to face a bakery with loaves and loaves of bread on display.

"I ... I ... Oh ... Could we ... Oh!" Meryn twirled in circles trying to take it all in. She felt one of her episodes coming on. She froze and let her brain take everything in. She could almost feel the images being downloaded and filed away.