"Are you all warriors?" Meryn asked. She felt Aiden tense. Adam shook his head.

"Adair and I are somewhat of a scandal. I turned down becoming father's heir and taking over as Unit Commander and eventually Council Elder. It's still unheard of to reject your family legacy, but I had no desire to become a warrior. I left Lycaonia, and studied medicine. I now operate the clinic that takes care of the unit warriors." Adam explained.

"I didn't want to command either. Until Aiden accepted I'm sure that Adam and I had been close to giving father a complex. His sons didn't want to take after him." Adair gave a booming laugh.

"I was hoping at least one of you would want to inherit. I knew that you each would have to find your own paths. Well, except for Ben. I fear he is determined to remain a little boy forever." Byron scowled at his youngest, who blew his father a kiss in response.

"I turned down Unit Commander to take over as Head Master at the training academy." Adair explained.

"And I am a warrior with the Gamma Unit, I serve under Sascha Baberiov." Benjamin added.

"I'll phone him later to recommend extra drills for you." Adair teased.

"Sirs, ladies. Breakfast is ready to be served. In light of the large party I have set the dining room table." Marius announced. Meryn was set down on her feet. She tried to peek over to the stove, but servant after servant was streaming by carrying the food away to be served in the dining room.

"Come on sweetheart, let's get something to eat and then we can visit the city.

"Sounds good." Meryn's stomach filled with butterflies when Aiden reached down and took her hand. It was a simple gesture, but it felt right. When he looked down Meryn could tell he was staring at her flushed cheeks. He squeezed her hand tighter and led the way.


Meryn felt a twinge of guilt when they walked outside and she saw the state of his trunk. When she saw that he was watching her, she grimaced and he blushed.

"Sorry about putting you in the trunk." Aiden paused in opening her car door to apologize. Meryn blinked.

"I was just about to apologize for denting your car." Meryn sat down and waited for him to get in. When he was in he turned to her.

"I'll have Darian fix it. He's a genius with any type of craft. I think it's the fae blood." He ran his hand over his thigh, wiping his palms. If Meryn didn't know any better she would say he was nervous. How adorable!

"So what do you do for fun?" Meryn looked out the window and watched the scenery fly by. It was hard to believe there was an entire city beyond the trees that humans didn't know about it.

"I work out." Aiden licked his lips.

"Of course you do." Meryn made a mental note to introduce him to her X-Box.

"How do you keep humans from knowing about all this?" Meryn pointed to the juncture of the road that opened up to an intersection where they could go left, right or straight.

"The witches and fae renew a glamour spell every year at the winter solstice. After they complete the spell everyone goes to the Council Manor for the Midwinter Ball." Meryn felt her stomach knot.

"Balls, like with poofy dresses and dancing and tiny sandwiches that don't fill you up?"

Aiden's head turned and he looked at her in surprise. "Yeah, I thought all women loved those things."

"Not this one. Do I have to go?"

"Since I'm Unit Commander and my father's heir, it's expected of me to be there. As my mate it's expected for you to be there."

"Do I have to go?" Meryn repeated, feeling ill thinking about it. Aiden chuckled.

"I'll make sure you aren't left alone. We have the All Hallows' Eve Ball coming up soon, it will give you an idea of what to expect for Midwinter." Meryn placed a hand over her stomach. She felt woozy.

"I hate people."

"You know with the kicking, screaming and assaulting people with toilet pieces I would never have guessed." Aiden snarked.

"Har, har. You're so funny. Seriously, can I just send a plate of cookies or something?"

"Sorry darling, but you're high society now."

"Bugger that!" Aiden glanced at her, then back to the road.

"I better warn my mother about tomorrow." Aiden grimaced. Meryn turned to face him.


"Because she is planning to introduce you to her sewing circle. All the founding family matriarchs will be there." He looked apologetic.

"I think I'm going to be sick." She closed her eyes and leaned back in the seat.

Aiden parked and turned the car off. She heard him turn towards her.

"Just smile and nod. My mother will do most of the talking. I have a feeling Daphane Bowers will be monopolizing the afternoon anyway. Her daughter-in-law is pregnant so she will be milking that for every scrap of attention she can get for a while." Meryn opened her eyes and lifted her head.

"So she's preggers. Big deal. They'll probably do one of those diaper cakes or something. I guess I can smile and nod, but I'm bringing my laptop. I can't sew for shit."

Aiden gave her a funny look.

"I don't think you understand. Being pregnant is a true blessing. Witches can only conceive during the winter solstice, vampires during the spring equinox, shifters at summer solstice and fae during the fall equinox. It's why each equinox and solstice is a huge celebration for us. As each of the four races can only conceive during these times, their children are usually born during a corresponding holiday. Witches are born around the fall equinox; vampires during the long, dark winter solstice; shifters around the spring equinox when most animals are born; and the fae around the summer solstice, at the height of summer when everything is in full bloom. Each race only has a certain time of the year that they are fertile and even then it's not guaranteed that the couple will conceive. After conception only about sixty percent of all pregnancies make it to full term. It's kept our numbers pretty low."