“I love hearing that.” I smiled. “But what changed?”

She licked whipped cream from the corner of her mouth. “You believe in me. And that helped me believe in myself.”

I bent to kiss her lips before leaning down and placing another on my son’s cheek.

The door opened, and in walked Heath and Hannah.

“Hey, guys.” I grinned.

“How’s my baby nephew doing?” Heath asked.

Devyn looked down at the baby. “He’s sleeping, actually.” She turned to Hannah. “Why is your face all red?”

Heath chuckled. “We ran into Holden on the way in.”

“Ah...” I laughed.

After a few moments, Heath announced, “So…I have a feeling you’re gonna be mad about something.”

Devyn turned to him. “What did Vera pull now?”

“Nothing. Ma is being good. Still nuts. But it’s not like that.”

I arched a brow. “What’s going on, then?”

Heath cringed. “I had a video go viral today.”

“Why is that a bad thing?” I asked.

He hesitated. “Because it’s sort of…a video of Devyn giving birth in the car.”

Devyn’s eyes were like saucers. “What?”

“Don’t worry,” Heath said. “I blurred out all of the gross stuff. You can’t see anything.”

“Why would you do that, Heath?” I scolded.

“Blur it out? Because it’s nasty.”

“That’s not what I meant,” I raised my voice. “Why the hell would you have filmed it?”

He shrugged. “Figured you’d want to document it.”

“Sure, but not for half the world!” I ran my hand through my hair and started to pace.

“Give me the phone.” Devyn held her hand out. “Let me see it.”

I walked over to the other side of the bed to look at it, too.

He was right. You couldn’t see anything aside from Devyn’s face and the back of my head.Thank God.

“Turn up the volume,” I said. He did, but I still couldn’t hear anything because Heath had added music: “Push it” by Salt N Pepa.

We all watched the video several times.

On the final replay, my eyes wandered over to the numbers at the right side of the screen. “Five-million views?”

“That’s insane!” Devyn laughed, seeming to have calmed down.

Then I noticed something. Among the hundreds of comments on the post, one caught my eye. I pointed to bring it to Devyn’s attention. “Look at that comment right there.” A chill ran down my spine.

Of course, I knew it wasn’treallyhim.

It was some guy with the Philadelphia Eagles logo as his profile picture. The Eagles were Ryan’s favorite team. But it was the profilenamethat really stood out.

RyanEaglesFan: Way to go, man. Proud of you.