No wonder that had gone so well. I hadn’t dropped both shoes at once.
“Robert, I…”
“Did you pick out an obstetrician yet? Would it be weird if you went to my sister’s husband? Andrew’s practice is over in Calabasas. He’s delivering their third early next year.” His smile widened. “Holy shit. Our baby is going to have a cousin born the same year. That’s pretty cool. I grew up with a ton of cousins, and the holidays were always so much fun.”
“Robert, hang on…”
“When are you back in L.A.? I’ll call Andrew and set up an appointment. I have to look at the filming schedule, but I can probably fly home for a day to go with you if we do it on a weekend. I’m sure Andrew will come in to see you, even if he doesn’t have office hours. And we could—”
He stopped abruptly. “What? If you don’t want to see Andrew, if that makes you uncomfortable, I can ask him for some names. I’m sure he has plenty of qualified colleagues he can refer us to.”
“Robert, I need to tell you something else.”
He smiled. “Are you having twins? Because you already told me a soon-to-be two-time Academy Award-winning director wants me to read his script and that I’m going to be a dad. I don’t think anything else is going to top that.”
“Robert…” I closed my eyes. “I’m not sure you’re going to be a dad. I’m not certain you’re the baby’s father.”
The smile vanished from his face. “What?”
I explained the mathematics of the conception-date possibilities to him. “And the last time we were together was exactly seven-and-a-half weeks ago.”
“Okay…but are you saying you’ve been with someone else since then?”
I nodded. “A little less than six weeks ago.”
Robert’s face twisted with anger. “Are you serious right now? Who the hell did you fuck?”
I felt awful having to tell him this, especially after he’d seemed genuinely excited about the prospect of becoming a father, but I wasn’t going to let him talk to me that way.
“Who I’ve been with is none of your business.”
“Like hell it isn’t. I’d say it’s definitely my business when you can’t even tell me if you’re pregnant with my damn kid. What did you do, hop into bed with the first guy you met in New York? Was it at the airport, for Christ’s sake? Or maybe you joined the mile-high club and didn’t even make it to New York before banging someone else.”
Robert and I never spoke about who either of us slept with, not that there had been any men before Owen for me. But there certainly had been women for him over the years. Plenty. And we worked in a very small industry that thrived on gossip. I’d heard the rumors about his affairs.
“What didyoudo, hop into bed with the first extra you met on your last movie set? Who’s inyourbed at night while you’re in Italy? Some twenty-one-year-old makeup artist from what I’ve heard…”
“This isn’t about me,” Robert snapped.
“That’s right. It’s not. It’s aboutusand who we are to each other. We wereneverin a committed relationship. You’ve proven that with your actions, time and time again.”
“So you’re saying this isn’t the first guy you fucked behind my back?”
My eyes widened. “I’m not having this conversation.”
“Good. Neither am I.”
I reached up to the edge of my laptop. “Goodbye, Robert. We can discuss this when you’re able to be civil.” Slamming it shut, I collapsed into the couch.
I wasn’t sure which had been worse, pissing off Robert or breaking Owen’s heart.
Later that morning, I spent a few hours walking around Central Park, trying to clear my head. It didn’t work. Not in the slightest. Which was probably why I didn’t even notice a woman waving at me from the window of the tattoo parlor until the door swung open.
“Hey, Devyn!” Billie yelled. “Hang on a second.”