“Good.” Billie arranged a few things on the table. “We’re all ready to go whenever you are.”
Billie then introduced us to her friend Cash, the photographer.
Lala looked around. “Where’s Colby?”
“He took Saylor and Mav out while we set up. They should be on their way back soon.” Billie turned to me. “Okay, so I have to confess, Devyn. Your reputation precedes you…”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, for a while, inquiring minds have been wondering who you were. You’ve been spotted around the building, but you were a mystery.”
I arched a brow. “There are a lot of inquiring minds around here?”
“You have no idea.” Billie laughed. “Anyway, I’m sorry if I seemed a little weird when you first walked in. I’d just put two and two together. It’s really great to meet you.”
The door opened, and a handsome tatted guy wearing a beanie over his longish hair entered. I assumed that was Lala’s baby daddy since he wrapped his arm around her and kissed her cheek. He immediately took baby Hope from her.
Lala brought him over to me. “Babe, this is the mystery woman in four-ten. She has a name! Devyn.”
“Ah.” Holden’s eyes sparkled. “Very nice to meet you, Devyn.” He held out a hand, and we shook.
“You, too.”
A few moments later, another guy who looked to be in his late twenties strolled in. He clasped hands with Holden, and I wondered if he was one of the other friends who owned this place. He was super good-looking, too. Was there something in the air around here? Every single guy was hot.
His mouth spread into a smile as he made a beeline for me. “Who do we have here?”
Lala smiled. “This is Devyn. The woman in four-ten.”
“I know. I recognize her.” He grinned. “I’m Brayden. It’s amazing to finally meet you.”
“I hadn’t realized people were waiting to meet me,” I said with a laugh. “But it’s wonderful to meet you, too.” All the attention made me feel a little warm. Maybe I needed to get out of here before it was totally overwhelming.
“Well, it’s just that no one knew who you were for a while there,” Brayden explained. “And I mean, we typically know everything around here, so it threw us for a loop.” He chuckled. “What brings you to New York?”
“Just here temporarily, looking after my brother and sister while my mother is away.”
“Is she on vacation?” he asked.
“Something like that.” I gritted my teeth.
“Cool.” He nodded. “Well, welcome.”
“Thank you.” I exhaled.
A few minutes later, yetanotherhandsome dude walked in, this one flanked by two kids: a little girl and an infant in a car seat.
The girl ran up to me—even faster than Brayden had. “Who are you?”
I smiled down at her. “My name is Devyn. And you are?”
“Saylor Lennon.” She pointed over to the baby. “And that’s my baby brother, Maverick Ryan Lennon.”
These must be Billie’s kids.
I looked over at the baby. “He’s got so much black hair.”
“I know. It looks like a teepee!”