I smiled. “You realize you just usedshe.”

“I did?”


“Well, I guess you’re rubbing off on me. Why are you convinced this baby is a girl, anyway?”

“I don’t know. But I’m more convinced than ever now that she wants something sweet.”

“Aww…is that because her mother is so sweet?”

“That, and maybe also because I watched her mother shovel half a Key lime pie into her mouth last night.”

“Watch it, buddy, or I’ll have my little girl kick you.”

My smile widened. “I can’t wait.”

“We’re going out to dinner tonight, right?”

I’d almost forgotten that I’d made a reservation at a romantic little place. I’d hoped to be surprising her with news about an accepted offer on the brownstone.

“Yep. Seven-thirty.”

“Okay! But do you think you can stop on the way home and pick something up for me?”

“Sure. What do you need?”

“More Oreos. The baby made me finish the entire package after all.”

I chuckled. “You got it. I’ll see you in a little while.”

I was still bummed about losing the brownstone, but my spirits had lifted. I couldn’t wait to get home and feel those kicks myself.

Devyn was waiting in my apartment when I walked in an hour later. We hadn’t officially moved in together, but I’d given her a key so she could work in peace during the day, and she’d stayed over most nights since Vera got back. Walking in to find her made even the shittiest of days feel a hell of a lot better.

I set the box in my arms on the kitchen counter and pulled her in for a kiss. “You look beautiful.”

“Did you forget the Oreos?”

“Boy, someone’s anxious. Are you having a craving?”

She shook her head. “No, but I haven’t felt the baby kick again, so I was hoping if I ate one, she might kick for you.”

I motioned to the box. “They’re in there.”

Devyn’s eyes widened as she took the top off. “Thiswhole boxis Oreos? How many did you buy?”

I shrugged. “Whatever they had on the shelf at the mini mart down the block. I think there were thirteen packages.”

“Thirteen packages? Are you insane?”

I smiled. “Ireallywant to feel the baby move.”

Devyn laughed and took my hand. “Come on. Let’s go sit and see what happens.”

We sat on the couch for a half hour, but the baby didn’t move. Though we did manage to eat a half-dozen cookies. At this rate, we werebothgoing to have a big belly.

“We better get going,” I said. “The restaurant is downtown.”