My heart was beating out of my chest. “Okay?”
“It’s yours, Owen.” Her voice trembled. “You’re the father.”
A cloud of euphoria enveloped me. “Oh my God.”
Tears filled her eyes. “I know.”
My hands shook. “Oh my God.”
“We’re so lucky.” A tear fell down her cheek.
I repeated again, “Oh my God!” My voice echoed in the hallway as I lifted Devyn up and swung her around. I shut my eyes. “I feel like I can breathe for the first time since you told me you were pregnant.”
“Me, too, Owen.”
I put her down and knelt, placing my head against her belly, which was just starting to pop. “This ismybaby inside of you. Holy shit.”
She threaded her fingers through my hair. “Yes.”
“Mybaby,” I muttered.
“Yes!” she cried out.
I jumped up, lifting her again and squeezing her tightly.
“What the hell happened? Did we have a flood?”
We turned to find Colby standing there, holding two coffees. He looked understandably confused.
I put Devyn down.
“What happened is…I’m having a baby, Colby.” I beamed.
“What?” His eyes went wide. “First off, why are you all wet?” He shook his head. “But what?”
“Burst pipe,” I said.
“Ran from the pool to tell him the news,” Devyn added.
“Okay, secondly…what?” He laughed. “You guys are having a baby?”
“Devyn and I have known she was pregnant for some time, but… It’s a long story. We needed to keep it under wraps for a while, but now we can shout it to the world.”
Colby’s mouth was practically hanging open. “Well…congratulations! Does anyone else know?”
“Holden,” I reluctantly answered.
His eyes narrowed. “You toldHoldenbefore me?”
“He overheard Devyn and me talking one day—he and Lala, actually. They found out by accident.”
“He kept it a secret?”
I shrugged. “Miracles do happen.”
“Your wife also knows,” Devyn added.
“Really?” He shook his head. “Damn, she didn’t let on at all.”