He shook his head, throwing me a wary sidelong glance. “Nah, most of the girls from high school either left town, got married, or got fat, but…”

“Better be a damn good ‘but,’” Caleb panned.

“I think you’ll be pretty happy. We got some fresh young girls at the college to keep us entertained.”

The scowl I failed to hide deepened. Julia would be one of those girls soon, but luckily she wouldn’t be that senseless. “College girls, huh?” I threw out, unimpressed.

“Young and looking to have fun. They’re always out prowling for older men, and tonight they’ll be at the poker game.” He grabbed two menus from behind the counter. “But first, let’s get you fed—on the house.”

Caleb caught the hard, irritated look I shot him. I wasn’t eating a thing at that place.

“Thanks, but we’re good. Ate during the drive,” Caleb told him with a shrug, feigning disappointment. “Next time.”

Josh glanced at me skeptically, then put the menus away. “All right, well then why don’t you come to the back and say a quick hello to some of the guys in the kitchen, and then we can head out?”

“Sounds like a plan,” Caleb replied and began following him to the back. “You coming?”

“No, I’ll be out here. Take your time.”

He nodded and disappeared through the kitchen door. I used the opportunity to get a better look at the town.

Standing at the massive front window, surrounded by dinner specials, I gazed out at the place I was born—the place I had no memory of. There was a fleeting moment in which I wondered if my parents ever ate at that place before it turned into a waste receptacle. I’d make a point to ask my dad about it the next time we got together.

The buildings down Main Street appeared about a century old and were mostly rundown, but they all still looked to be housing operational businesses. It made sense, considering the nearest town was a bit of a drive. Residents had no real choice but to support local commerce.

Lost in my musings about the type of profit one could realistically expect with so few consumers, my attention was soon caught by a petite blonde racing across the street toward the diner.

A tiny, frail-looking older woman trailed behind at a slower pace, clutching her purse and yelling something I couldn’t make out through the glass.

It wasn’t until the blonde was in front of me, the window our only divider, that I noticed what she was chasing. Her foot smashed down on a thin piece of fabric, preventing the next gust of wind from carrying it away.

I stared, captivated, when she bent down to retrieve it. Her coat slid up and her jeans dipped down, revealing the fine lace of a white thong. My mouth opened, my tongue skimming my lips at the fairness of her skin.

After she stood and adjusted her coat, she handed the gauzy fabric to the older woman, whose concerned brow relaxed with her grateful smile as she placed it over her head and knotted it at her chin.

They stood there talking a moment. The blonde’s long wavy hair was rich and full, sweeping about her delicate frame. I couldn’t see her face, but even through the bulky trench coat, I could appreciate her firm ass and shapely thighs. She worked out—she had to. No one had a body like that naturally.

My cock jerked to life. I tilted my head to the side in hopes of getting a peek at her face, but she turned suddenly, her hair shielding any chance I had as she headed straight for the door. I stepped back, suddenly realizing she was coming in to eat. The thought of fucking anyone who could stomach the smell in the place, let alone the actual food, left me unsettled.

The bell rang as the door opened and the old woman entered, alone.

What? I moved back to the window and found the blonde standing just outside, pulling out her phone to make a call. Was she waiting for someone? When she brushed her hair to the side, I finally got the glimpse I was craving.

Her radiant pink cheeks highlighted her delicately carved features and full, bright lips. Her eyes were soft and gentle, and when she spoke into the phone they glistened, a smile curving those luscious lips and jolting my cock to a full salute.

I readjusted myself, not caring who saw. She couldn’t have been older than early to mid-twenties, and had an air of sweetness to her. She was sexy yet demure…beautiful, but in a subtle, relaxed way. She fit into the town well.

She was an angel hidden in the middle of nowhere—a sweetheart I needed to press against me, drive myself into, and suckle until she was writhing in pleasure and begging for more. I’d give her my entire night, leaving satisfied with the knowledge that I’d had the finest piece of ass that shit town had to offer.

She moved away and then right past the window, completely oblivious to me. My head turned, fully enthralled, filled with lust as her perfect figure walked away.

I had to stop her. I needed to have her, taste her, fuck her, and then send her back out to enchant the next guy. I was making for the door when Josh appeared and let out a chuckle.

“Ah shit, dude, don’t bother.” He slapped his hand on my back, and I trained my eye toward it. He let it fall away, muttering an apology.

“Why?” I asked, baffled. What did he know about her?

Then it hit me: It was a small town—she’d probably already been passed around a few times. It was hard to believe, judging by the innocence she held in a single expression, but I couldn’t comprehend how any man could see her and not pounce.

“You don’t want her. Trust me.” He shoved a piece of gum into his mouth, then held the package out to me.

I shook my head once. “Who is she?” The urge to push him aside and chase her down, certain I could seduce her into taking me back to her place, was stronger than I’d felt in a while.

“A man-hater.” He snickered. “Seriously, she’s not looking for your type.”

My brows pinched together. “A lesbian?” I could work with that. I’d had a few in my bed before.

He snorted. “No!” But then he thought it over a moment. “Actually, who knows? After the way Mark treated her, it’s hard to say. A shame, really—she’s a nice-enough girl—but from what I’ve heard, a bust in bed. So, like I said, don’t bother.” He moved away. “Caleb’s in the lot, ready to go. He sent me to get you.”

I’d already started toward the door when he called, “We can go out the back. It connects to the parking lot.”

At first hesitant in my steps away from the door the blonde was not too far outside, I soon blew off the idea. I slid my hand over my jaw, getting myself back on track. I was looking for a sure thing, and if she wasn’t it, I’d find another girl in that town who was.

Chapter 6


The house we pulled up to was only a few blocks out of town, but hidden by forest. Josh led us through the yard, past a large pond, and toward a steel structure in the back.

Under the overhang of the building sat a mix of quads and dirt bikes. I eyed the smaller bike in the back. Oliver would have a blast on that. He was still too young to put on my bike.

“Feel free to take one up the mountain tonight,” Josh offered, opening the door. “The girls love it.”

It didn’t sound like a bad idea.

When we stepped inside, I felt like a kid playing in a massive fort. The concrete floor was covered with an enormous black rug, with mismatched couches and a beat-up old recliner lining one corner of the room.