“You are doing so well,” I tell her as another contraction wracks her body.
Her water breaks with this contraction. The unit’s decontamination response is impressively quick, and the fluid disappears before it can contaminate the space.
“What’s the pain like?” I ask her.
“I can hardly feel it at all,” she responds. “And having you here makes all the difference.”
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” I tell her. “We are a family now.”
It isn’t long before the consultant joins us in the booth. “You are both doing incredibly well,” she tells us. “Normally, I would have come in before now, but with your support, I haven’t needed to. All Myra’s vital signs are responding amazingly well.”
I am relieved to hear it. “I wish I could do more,” I tell her.
“I know, I still feel like that with every birth I attend. But this is Myra’s moment, and she is rising to it beautifully. It won’t be long until you both get to meet your son.”
Myra smiles at the praise until another contraction takes her. They are powerful and strong now. Her face contorts with the effort, and she grips my hand with more force than I would ever have believed she could possess.
“Only one more and you will be able to hold your son in your arms,” says Analize. “You’re doing really well!”
“I’m so proud of you,” I whisper fervently in her ear.
“Here it comes,” Myra says.
“Okay, I want you to put all of your effort into this push, Myra.”
“Aagh!” Myra cries, and I watch amazed as our son erupts from her body into the waiting hands of Analize.
Analize passes Staxin to a nurse to get him cleaned up, while she encourages Myra to push just a few more times. Before I know it, Ranxor is out and getting wiped down by the nurse, too.
Little Staxin is laid tenderly on Myra's stomach, and she holds him for the first time. I can hear her making little cooing noises in her throat as he looks at her with his big blue eyes. I reach my hand around and stroke his cheek.
“I’m going to reduce the ZeroG field now,” says Analize once Myra is cleaned up. “It will give you some support, but you will float down to the ground now. Maybe you can go around behind Myra to support her like before?” she adds to me.
I nod at her to say we understand/
“All his test results are perfect,” she goes on once we’re settled. “As are yours, Myra. Is there anything you need? A drink or some food?”
Myra shakes her head, eyeing Staxin as Ranxor is pressed into my own arms. “Not right now.”
“Then I’ll leave you to get acquainted,” she replies.
“Look, he’s got little horn nubs,” whispers Myra, running her fingers tenderly over the tiny protrusions on his head.
I can see the unit's sanitizer field gently lifting the remaining goo from their tiny bodies, and the more it does, the more I’m amazed by what is revealed.
“Mine’s got my blue coloring, but your soft skin,” I say as the particles fall away.
“He has some scaling, too. Look at that across his shoulders and down his back,” she comments, looking at Ranxor.
“And there on his cheekbones, running up to his hairline.”
My heart feels like it could burst as I sit here with my woman, each of us holding a child in our arms.
“Does he have a tail?” I ask.
She reaches around to check. “Yes!” she squeals. “Oh, Zair, that’s so sweet. I hoped he would have one. I’m surprised we didn’t notice it on the imaging before. Does yours?”
“Yes. They must have had them tucked around them pretty tightly.”