So, the following afternoon, I find myself getting off the train in Mairg. It’s some run-down mining town with a depressed feeling about it. I can’t believe I’ve traveled here on the word of some crazy old lady I met in a bar.

I glance at my comm. It’s fifteen hundred hours. So which way is south? My map says it’s that way. I set off down what seems like an endless straight road.

Up until this point, the journey has felt like no more than a gag, a joke. I have not truly considered what would happen if Myra really were here. But suddenly I’m filled with apprehension. What if she left the casino and ran away because of me? What if Iwasthe reason she quit her job? What if she’s angry to see me here?

My feet continue walking, but my heart is faltering. If I find her now, what if she runs from me? I’ve put so much of myself into this just assuming my fated mate needs my help. What if she really does reject me?

My steps catch on to my sudden reluctance and falter, too. I stand in the street, wracked with indecision. This whole thing was a crazy idea. I should just go home and forget all about it.

I am on the point of turning back when Myra steps out of a store in front of me. I stare in shock at her large, round, and very pregnant belly.

She doesn’t notice me and walks away down the street. Several feelings flash through my mind in quick succession. Joy, that I’ve found her. Terror, that she might not want me. Despair, that she has found someone else. And hope, that just maybe she could still be mine. Even with someone else’s child.

As she disappears around a corner, my feet find their volition again and make the choices for me. I simply can’t let her out of my sight.

My mind flashes back to Clary for a second. The daft old coot was right. Either she had some exceptionally good intel, or she really is psychic.

I reach the corner, and for a second, my heart skips a beat. I can’t see her. I start to panic and realize I can’t let her out of my life. Whatever happens. Even if she has found someone else and doesn’t want to know me, I have to try. I will never forgive myself if I don’t.

To my relief, I spot her. She is looking in the window of a store that sells baby goods.

“Myra!” I call, my heart in my mouth. “Myra, over here!”

She turns, fear in her eyes. She looks as if she’s about to bolt, and my heart withers up inside me. But then she recognizes me. Her face lights up, and before I know it, we are running toward one another.

She throws her arms around my neck. “Zair!” she cries. “It’s so good to see you! What are you doing in Mairg?”

My world lights up, and my heart feels full to bursting. She hasn’t shunned me. She is pleased that I am here.

“Actually, I was looking for you,” I say, suddenly realizing that might sound a bit odd. “Believe it or not, I met a psychic lady who said I would see you here.”

“Well, I’m glad she did,” she replies. “I wanted to find you, too,” she says, indicating her round belly.

“Mine?” I ask, my eyes wide. It hadn’t even occurred to me.

She nods and strokes her stomach. “Yours,” she affirms.

The flush of emotion I feel brings tears to my eyes. I blink them back hurriedly. This is not like me, but I feel genuinely choked and wrap her into a hug. “I can’t believe it,” I say. “I came to find you, and I’ve found so much more!”



Zair goes stiff in my arms, and I wince. Right. He probably wasn’t expecting a friendly greeting after I stood him up. And as happy as I am to see him, I shouldn’t expect one, either. Hopefully the hug is at least a good sign that he won’t be furious with me over this whole mess.

“It’s, uh, it’s good to see you, Myra,” he says. “You… you look good.” He keeps glancing down at my swollen belly and then back up at my face. I can see him doing the math in his head. I wonder if he doubts that he's the father.

I’m almost tempted to say,My eyes are up here.But I don’t. After everything, Zair deserves answers, not teasing.

“I owe you an explanation,” I say instead and glance at the people bustling around us. Things have been quiet these past few months, but it’s mostly because I’ve been keeping a low profile. “Just not here, okay? This is something we should talk about in private.”

He nods wordlessly, and I take him back to Eva’s place. “Does this belong to you?” he asks as I unlock the door.

I shake my head. “A friend was kind enough to put me up until I can get my own place. She’s at work right now, so we have it to ourselves.”

As soon as the words leave my mouth and his eyebrows shoot up, I regret the innuendo. Honestly, I’m surprised that Zair wants anything to do with me. I left without waking him that morning after, stood him up on his date, and have been keeping a pregnancy from him. Any one of those transgressions is enough for me to cut and run from a partner.

I gesture for him to come in and sit on the couch and then lock the door behind us. Mairg isn’t like Glimner. It may be past its prime, but people can leave their front doors unlocked without fear of thieves and criminals. Still, old habits die hard.