We order a take-out and sit on the sofa eating with our fingers. “Do you not want that?” I ask, staring hungrily at her half-finished meal.
“Go ahead,” she says with a laugh. “It’s good to see you with your appetite back.”
“Thanks,” I say, helping myself.
“So tell me more about this guy. The baby’s daddy.”
“There’s not much to tell really. I met him while I was at work. I thought he was cute, for a big merc Kaleidian. After a few drinks, going back to his room seemed like a good idea. It’s not something I would normally entertain, but there was something so compelling about him. This is going to sound weird, but it was like I already knew him.”
“No, that doesn’t sound weird at all,” she assures me. “I’ve known more than one person to fall in love at first sight,” she adds with a laugh.
“I don’t know if I’d call it love,” I say. But an inner voice is pulling at me, whispering that it could be. “Anyway, I wouldn’t have a clue how to find him again even if it was.”
“So, you just spent one night with him?”
“Yes, well, when you put it like that, I feel a bit stupid now. I know where babies come from, I should have been more careful.”
“I didn’t say it to make you feel stupid,” she assures me. “I was just wondering if we could track him down.”
The thought had not occurred to me. Maybe he would want to have something to do with his children. “All I have is his name, Zair,” I tell her. “And I think one of his friends is called Fin.”
“Well, that’s a start. Maybe we can track him through the casino records. Although I have no idea how we could get access to them.”
“Let’s sleep on it,” I say. I’m not even sure if I want to trace him. It was a one-night stand, after all. I can’t imagine him being pleased to see me walk into his life with a child on each arm, ready to tie him down.
“How’s the search for the love of your life?” asks Fin. The boys are back after yet another mission. I’ve been stuck here at the casino for five months now, still searching for Myra.
“Not great,” I admit. “It’s been one dead end after another.”
“I’ve met someone who may be able to help you. But it’s a bit of a wild card.” He chews his lip and glances around the casino bar as if he’s about to tell me a secret and doesn’t want anyone else to hear. “Actually, I met them about a month ago, but I didn’t want to suggest it. I figured it was a stupid idea and you’d get mad if I did.”
“Anything has to be worth a shot at this point. Send me their details.”
Fin looks apprehensive. “I can’t do that,” he tells me. “I’ll have to take you to meet them.”
“This all sounds a bit shady.”
“I said it was a long shot.” Fin finishes his drink and stands up. “Come on, I’ll introduce you.”
“I’m not going to like this, am I?” I leave my drink unfinished.
“Let’s just say, she’s not very conventional. Anyway, do you have a better idea?”
“Well, when you put it like that,” I say. “Lead on!”
The district the hover-cab takes us to has fewer and fewer lights and more and more dark alleys.
“Where the fuck are you taking us, Fin?” I demand as we pull up outside a rundown bar.
“There’s this old woman,” he says. “Her name is Clary. She is said to be clairvoyant.”
“You’ve dragged me out into the back of beyond to see some crazy old psychic bird?” For a while, I had held out some hope that this might actually help me find Myra, but on hearing Fin's words, I feel it evaporate away like the wind. I am surprised that Fin would consider even for a moment that this would be a good idea. “Look at this dump, Fin. We’re more likely to come away dead than with a lead!”
“It’s not as bad as it looks,” Fin assures me as we get out of the cab. “I’ve been here before. They have some great parties. And this Clary woman said she could help. What have you got to lose?”