The woman’s expression softens. Her shoulders relax. Her back slouches a little.
“Well, it sounds like you have some extenuating circumstances.” She gently takes my hand and leads me over to a nearby bench to sit down. “Sorry about the interrogation.”
“Oh, it’s okay, I understand.”
“This town has just been put through so much thanks to outsiders coming in and making a mess. We just can’t risk it happening again. What’s your name again?”
“It’s very nice to meet you, Myra.”
“It’s nice to meet you too, Eva. I’m sorry if I worried you at all. I think the train is about to leave. I should –”
“Nonsense. You seem harmless enough. You’ll stay with me.”
“Oh, Eva, I couldn’t put you out like that.”
“No… but only because we’re still strangers. You just told me a lot about yourself. I should return the favor. Then you’ll come to stay the night.”
“I don’t…”
“My name is Eva, I’ve lived in Mairg for… what is it now? How long… Trill! Trill! How long have I lived here?” Eva looks over at the Odex man outside the diner.
“How should I know, Eva? You were already living here for a while when I moved in.”
“Well, when did you move here?”
“I don’t know, five? Five years. Maybe six?”
Eva looks back at me. “I’ve been here for over six years. I don’t know exactly how many. When you get to my age, you lose track of that stuff. Regardless, I work here in town at the local school. And I know just about everyone worth knowing around here. So, while you’re staying with me, I’ll introduce you to everyone.”
“I never agreed to stay with you.” I think I almost prefer the Eva who was confronting me just moments ago. Both Evas are overwhelming, but the angry one I understood a bit more.
“Nonsense. We’re friends now. What kind of friend would I be if I let you sleep in the streets? Or pay for a room. Come home with me. I’ll make you dinner, and you can use my guest room.”
It is a tempting offer. As weird as she seems, Eva is coming across as genuine. Plus, I’m exhausted and starving from my day of travel.
“Fine. I’ll stay for one night. And I’ll pay you.”
“Perfect! You’ll stay as long as you need until you’re back on your feet. And I’ll charge you nothing. Come on, follow me.”
“Wait, no, Eva, that’s not –”
Eva starts heading down the street, waving for me to follow.
I only met the woman a few hours ago, but I already get the feeling that arguing with her is not going to be a productive use of my time. Though I’m still making a mental note that I’ll find a way to repay her, one way or another.
Before I know it, it’s been one week since I got off the train in Mairg, and Eva has not gone back on her word. She has let me stay in her guest room and has cooked meal after delicious meal for me without asking for a Koltec in return.
She’s also been spending every spare second parading me around town and introducing me to everyone we come across. From the town administrator to the guy who cleans the rainfall collection troughs . It’s still too early to keep them all straight, and I’m struggling to remember everyone’s names. But I do appreciate Eva’s effort.
I’ve been staying with Eva for two weeks. Her cooking is out of this world. She must not want me to leave, because she has cooked me every one of my favorite meals. I can already feel myself starting to put on weight.
Eva has also been helping me find a job. She’s used all her connections to help me try different work around town. One afternoon, I washed dishes at the diner. Another morning, I helped with purging contradictory subpoena bots from the court projection server at the regulator’s office. Nothing has really clicked yet, but Eva is determined to find me something.