Fuck this.I stand up and make my way through the crowd. I head for the gaming room where I met her last night. The noise is overwhelming as I push through the crowd to the Kalei Hold ‘em table. The young girl who is dealing is completely focused on the game. There’s no chance of talking to her, so I scan the crowd.
There’s a human collecting glasses, and I head over to her. “Hey,” I call as I get close to her. “Do you know Myra? She was working the Hold ‘em table over there last night.”
“Yes,” she replies, a reserved look on her face. “Why?”
“I’m meant to be meeting her,” I explain. “Do you know where she lives?”
“No, I’m sorry, I can’t help you,” she says, taking a step back.
“I’m worried about her, that's all,” I try to explain.
“I can’t give out personal details about another member of staff,” the girl says adamantly.
“Okay.” I give up on this one. “Can you tell her I was looking for her when you see her?”
“Sure, buddy,” she says. “But it won’t be until after my shift.”
“Thanks,” I say.For nothing!
I wander over to the bar. There is an automaton serving. That’s no good to me. I order a strong one, anyway. Cradling my drink, I scan the room.
I see another human waiting tables and stroll over. Maybe I’ll have more luck with a guy. I might get a bit more understanding from another man.
“Do you know Myra? She works the Hold ’em tables,” I ask.
“Sure,” he says. “Everyone knows Myra. What’s up?”
“I was supposed to be meeting her and she didn’t show,” I explain. “Do you have any idea where she might be?”
“She sometimes goes to the Sunshine Bar after her shift,” he says.
“Great, which way is that?” I ask.
He points me across the room to a set of doors on the far side. When I get there, I realize it’s the bar that I spoke to the waitress in earlier today. I hope it doesn’t get back to Myra that I was interrogating her friend about buying gifts for her.
I stand near the door and search the room with my eyes. There are a lot more people in here now, and the room is stuffy and hot. At the far side is a small stage supporting a young Kilgari woman with an incredible voice. She is filling the room with hungry men as she parades her scantily clad, golden-skinned body in front of them.
I desperately search the crowd for a glimpse of Myra. I don’t find her, and my apprehension grows. What could be the problem that would stop her from meeting me? It must be bad. I hope she’s not in some kind of trouble.
I start pushing my way through the crowd toward the bar. I can’t see her anywhere, but I do see the waitress from earlier. She and a couple of friends are sitting at the same table where I saw her earlier. I head over there.
She greets me with a smile as I sit down at the table. “Did the flowers work?” she asks.
“Yes, she loved them,” I say, feeling suddenly uncomfortable and exposed. “I’m a bit worried about her though. We’re supposed to be going for a meal, and she didn’t show up.”
“I think maybe theydidn’twork then,” she says, raising an eyebrow.
“I was hoping you might know her, and tell me where her room is.”
“Who is this mystery woman?” she asks.
“Her name is Myra, she works the Kalei Hold ‘em tables,” I tell her.
“Yeah, everyone knows Myra,” she says. “But there is no way I’m handing out her details to a total stranger. Sorry, pal.”
“I just want to check if she's okay,” I protest.
“You’ve spent one night with her. Maybe she’s just not looking for anything more,” she says gently.