“Are you serious?” Skalt asks. “You really do think she’s your fated mate, don’t you?”
“Yes, I do,” I tell him. “I know she is.”
“Well, fucking hell. You lucky bastard. You know how to land on your feet.”
“Good luck,” says Fin with a grin.
“Yeah, good luck,” Danton echoes.
“He doesn’t need any more luck,” chimes in Skalt. “Look at him, he’s wallowing in good luck!”
“See ya later, guys,” I say. “Think of me when you’re lying alone in your beds!”
“I’d rather not,” Fin quips.
I leave them to their messy day, needing some time alone to think about how I’m going to win her over. I head to a quiet bar in another part of the casino and notice one of the bar staff sitting at a table, obviously taking a break. I wander over.
“Do you mind if I sit here?” I ask.
She looks annoyed and glances around at the nearly empty bar pointedly. “Sure,” she says grudgingly. “My break’s nearly up, anyway.” She goes to stand.
“Um, I actually wanted to talk to you,” I say, sliding into the seat opposite her. “Let me buy you a drink.”
She looks me up and down. “I have a boyfriend,” she informs me.
“That’s good.” I laugh. “I was actually needing some advice about a girl.”
“Oh,” she says, rolling her eyes. “Got her in trouble, have you?”
“What? No,” I say. “Why would you immediately jump to that conclusion?”
“Well, you don’t look like the kind of guy who would usually have trouble pulling.”
I glance sheepishly around the bar, glad there’s no one I know in here. “This one’s different,” I tell her. “She’s my fated mate. But she’s human so I’m not sure if she realizes it. I wanted to get her a gift or something, but I have no idea what women like.”
She bursts out laughing.
Fuck you,I think and go to stand.
She grabs my wrist. “I’m sorry,” she says. “Please, sit back down. You just took me by surprise.”
I can feel my teeth grinding together. I don’t need this kind of shit. But she looks repentant, so I sit back down.
“How well do you know her?” she asks.
“Not well, I only met her last night.”
“Then you don’t want to overwhelm her with jewelry or anything like that. Flowers are good at this stage,” she tells me. “And invite her out for a meal or something. You want to initiate a setting where you can get to know her, so it’s no good taking her to a virtual reality show or anything.”
“Right,” I say. “Flowers and a meal, I can do that.”
“Nothing overly grand. You don’t want to be inviting her to El Castro’s, that would be as bad as a ring at this point. And now I really do have to go, my break is over.”
“Thanks,” I say standing up. “You’ve been a great help.”
“Hey, you’re welcome,” she says with a smile. “Good luck!”
I head to the store at the front of the casino, intent on buying the biggest bunch of flowers they have. But when I get there I remember the barmaid’s words."Nothing overly grand."