“Well, someone else could go, and I could give you updates!”

“With what communication system, Zaya?”

Zaya.The way he says my name makes me detach from myself. While I should be infuriated about how he’s grabbing my overcoat, I’m feeling something else instead. I want him to go even further than just gripping my clothing.

A cough from Hanai’s room interrupts our feuding. We both run in, and she’s wheezing and doubled over. Two nurses rush past us and start tending to her. Taurek runs his fingers through his hair.

“Has this happened before?”

He nods. “Every night essentially. This is a minor symptom.”

It sounds like a death rattle, but apparently, this is just a normal evening.

“Fine. I’ll go with you for her.”

“Good. I knew you’d start acting rationally. But we have to inform the Thane. We’ll send extra care for Hanai.” He looks back at his daughter, whose cough is still going strong.

I look at her, my heart sinking. He might be an asshole, but he’s still a father, and he loves his daughter enough to leave here with me to get her the care she needs. If he has that much compassion, maybe he’s not entirely awful.

* * *

The Thane’sadjacent palace is elaborate, and even that is an understatement. I continually asked Taurek if I could wait outside, as I was unsure how well the Thane would take to a strange human woman, but he kept refusing. He was insistent.

I’m in the cloak Taurek’s staff outfitted me in, and I feel overdressed based on my own standards and underdressed based on my surroundings. Taurek has changed into royal blue robes. Even the guards standing on either side of the main castle doors are doing double takes at me.

We’re halfway down the grand hall, walking toward the throne room when I grab Taurek’s arm. He flinches away from me more drastically than before we got here.

“Not in the castle,” he commands.

“I don’t want to go in there,” I whisper adamantly.

“I don’t care,” he replies sternly, whipping around and facing me. “This is non-negotiable. Put your hand on me again, and I’ll involve the guards.”

I’ve heard horror stories from Talan about his own family, and I can only imagine that royals are even more intolerant than nobles. I’m not certain of anything, though. Obviously, I’ve come at a time of crisis. But I’d prefer for family matters to be settled among family, not me.

He keeps walking toward the throne room and I follow. There is a guard posted on every inch of this hallway, unsurprisingly, and I’m doing my best to pretend I somewhat belong here while Taurek enters the throne room.

I turn to the door and freeze when I see the Thane high up on his throne. I’ve heard legends but have never seen a Mountain Kingdom Thane in person. I forgot to curtsy to a princess. What other faux pas might I be committing now?

“Taurek, my son!” the Thane bellows, stepping down from his throne. “What news is there? Is it Hanai?”

The Thane locks eyes with me, and immediately I shift my gaze to the ground and curtsy.

“And who is this you’ve brought before me? Without virtually no warning, no less. She must be more important than she looks.”

“Lady Zaya from the Tlisan settlement. She’s essential to the urgent preparations. ” I try to conceal my shock at his attempt to elevate me. The only one more surprised than me is Taurek.

“Greetings, Lady Zaya of Tlisan.” The Thane looks in my direction for a moment, then back to his son. “Yes, please, Prince Taurek, tell me about your plans. You’re journeying to the Ice-Charred Peaks?” The Thane looks concerned.

“For a cure. A medicine derived from a rare mineral found only there. Called roxolite.”

The Thane walks slowly back up to his throne. “Roxolite. This sounds familiar, although I’m not sure why. When do you plan to leave?”

“As soon as possible, Your Highness. Hanai gets worse by the day.”

“It’s a trek few return from, you know.” The Thane looks mournfully in what I assume is the direction of the peaks.

“I understand, your highness. As you know, I’ve braved them before.”