“Hanai has a good judge of character.”

“That she does, Taurek,” he says, nodding. “And she is your fated mate, is she not?”

“Yes. She is.”

“That is a divine blessing. As the Divine Ones have blessed it already, it would be unconscionable for me to prevent your union. I give you my blessing with all the love in my heart for both of you. Let me know how I can be of service in any way.”

Elated, I almost forget to bow, and I quickly fix the lapse.

“Thank you, Thane Odar.”

“I cannot imagine you being with anyone else, Taurek. She is a welcome resident of the palace and will be until the end of days. Our relationships with other Kingdoms have been slowly improving our mutual field of medicine by collaborating with one another, thanks to Zaya.”

“I’m glad to hear that.”

“So, as a token of my gratitude, allow me to offer her a commendation.”

I can’t believe my ears. I flash a bright smile at Odar, and I swallow hard to suppress the emotion welling up.

“She will be ecstatic at the news, my lord!”

“I’m sure she will be.” He chuckles. “Now will there be anything else I can do for you, my boy?”

“That will be all,” I say, bowing for the final time. “Goodnight, Thane Odar.”

“Farewell for the evening, my son.” He pauses. “I’m proud of you.”



I’m lounging with my mate and Hanai, watching on in amusement as my plucky daughter runs in circles around her father. I see from the look on Taurek’s face that he’s had more than enough of her antics tonight, but he’s holding back. Most likely, he’s remembering the time when he would have been incredibly grateful for her to be annoying him. So he’s grateful.

Still, I cannot help but laugh. Taurek turns to me, and at the sight of my smile, he seems to ease off and ever so subtly smile at himself before shaking his head.

“She has more energy than me nowadays.”

“Daddy, help me pack my bag first!” exclaims Hanai, tugging on his arm.

“What?” he demands. “You haven’t begun packing yet?”

“No, you said you’d help me!”

“Damn, I forgot.” He groans, pinching the bridge of his nose.

“You relax,” I tell Taurek. “I’ll give her a hand. Come on, Hanai.”

She takes my hand eagerly, leading me out of the dining room. Turning over my shoulder, I wink at my mate who silently mouths a thank you toward me.

An hour later, all three of us are on our way to the Ice-Charred Peaks, off to enjoy a week’s vacation. The weather has eased off since the last time I was here, though each of us remains wrapped in heavy clothing. Even when the weather is nice, it requires heavy layers.

Taurek leads the way as he traverses the steep, winding routes of the peaks on his chordata. I ride with Hanai as Rylan leads our chordata on foot, though his years of experience with the mountains make walking look easy. I shudder at the memory of having to wander these peaks on foot, thankful for the clearer conditions this time around.

“Hey, Zaya,” says Hanai. “So you really had to walk through these mountains with my Daddy to find my cure?”

“That’s right, little one.”

“They look scary.”