“Do you think I’ve done well over the past two months, Daddy?” she asks.

“I can’t imagine anyone doing more than you. Look at how much energy you had today!” I begin tickling her as she bursts into a frenzied laugh. “I haven’t seen you scurry around like a little insect in so long!”

“Stop!” she laughs, batting my hands away.

“You know, at this hour of the evening three months ago, you’d have been passed out or getting sick, but your symptoms have disappeared ever since the treatment started.”

“Well, you and Zaya made it easier. Sometimes I get scared doing my exercises, but when you guys join in, it helps me feel strong.”

I flex my right arm, my bicep practically bulging out of my skin.

“Do you want to be as big as me one day?” I say, laughing.

“Ew! No.”

“Ew?” I return, tickling her once more. After we calm down, I lay a hand on her forehead to check her temperature. “How has your breathing been?”

“It’s fine. I don’t get out of breath so easily anymore if that’s what you’re asking,” she says, yawning thereafter and rubbing her eyes.

“I’ll leave you to get some sleep.”

“Can we all hang out tomorrow? You, me, and Zaya?” she asks.

“Of course we can. Every day, forever, we can.” I rise to my feet. “Goodnight, Hanai. Sleep well.”

“Goodnight, Daddy.”

Smiling at her, I slowly close the door, waving at her as I do. I laugh quietly to myself, overjoyed at the sight of my daughter doing better than ever. I’d been afraid that the departure of Kantha would have caused extra stress, but if anything, it lightened something in her when Kantha left for good. She’s bounced back quicker than expected.

I’m strolling down a long hallway to my quarters when Zaya emerges from around the corner. I stop and greet her with a kiss, taking her hand in mine.

“Are you finished with your work for the evening?” I ask.

“Yes, thankfully. I was hoping to catch Hanai before she goes to sleep. Is she in bed?”

“Yeah, you just missed her.”

She nods, clicking her tongue.

“Don’t worry,” I tell her. “She was singing praises about you.”

“She was?” asks Zaya, peering up at me.

“That’s right, she said you were a big help on her road to recovery.”

She blushes, a radiant smile washing over her beautiful face.

“So, those doctors that came to visit from the Treetop Kingdom today, how did that all go for you?” I ask.

We arrive at the bedroom door, where I open it and gesture for her to enter first, following her inside after.

“It went great. There were talks of them visiting again soon to do a hands-on experiment together.”

“That’s excellent, my love. Don’t forget we also have doctors coming next month from the Ocean Kingdom, too.”

“Yeah.” Her eyes widen in disbelief. She sits on the seat next to the window, gazing out into the evening sky. The glow of the evening sun hits her skin, coating it in a luscious glow that makes me stop and stare for a moment. There comes over me a wave of almost every emotion at once, reminding me just how in love with this woman I am.

I walk over, joining her as I take a seat by the window. Taking her hands in mine, I stroke the back of them with my thumbs and peer out over the landscape with her for a few minutes, enjoying this moment of tranquility. Turning my gaze to meet hers, I smile.