“Yes, Kantha. When are you going back to Cloud Kingdom, because you’re not welcome here?”

“Oh, sweetie, you don’t mean that.”

“Oh, I’ve never meant anything more in my life. It’s time for you to leave. You don’t even know whether I’m sweet or not. Maybe I’m as horrid as you.”

The look on Kantha’s face is more confused than everyone else’s, now reduced to a grimace as she peers down at Hanai. My daughter is pointing an accusatory finger at her, her face twisted in an expression of heated anger.

I can feel the rage coming off of her, but I don’t even have to feel it to know it. It’s the same emotion I have. There’s a part of me that's deeply satisfied that Kantha is finally, truly getting what she deserves.

“You never cared for me! You never even came for any of my birthdays, or sent any presents! You never called. You said if I couldn’t live with you, then I wasn’t in your life. Well, you’re not in my life, so why are you here?”

“Honey, darling,” mutters Kantha through closed teeth, raising her palms as if to surrender. “Let’s just calm down here, okay? You know Mommy has always held you near and dear to your heart. I just… I found my fated mate. It’s a divine calling.”

Hanai stomps her foot down and crosses her arms, I’ve never seen her so angry. Zaya watches on in bewilderment. Perhaps she, too, never expected to see my daughter in this state. I lock eyes with her, a smirk appearing across both of our faces as we try to contain our laughter.

“Yes, I know that, Kantha. I’m not mad about that. I’m mad about the fact that if you didn’t get your exact way, you didn’t want any of it. If Daddy didn’t let you take me to live all year-round there, you didn’t want me to visit, and you were too busy to visit yourself, you said. That is what’s messed up. Not that you found a mate. I mean…”

I see her looking at me, then at Zaya, like she knew just as quickly as I did.

“You can find your fated mate without ruining everyone else’s life. But not you. You are selfish.”

Kantha looks to me as if to signal for help, but I shrug, letting her know she’s all alone in this one.

“Hanai. I have a life. I have other babies I have to look after now.”

“Then go back. I wish you’d stayed gone altogether,” states a defiant Hanai, shocking her mother. “You’re not here for me. You only came to try and look like you were the magic one who could heal me. You wanted attention. We’re doing just fine without you. You never cared about me unless it was convenient for you.”

I’m impressed by her words.

“May I say something?” interjects Zephyron. Everyone turns to him as if he’s an unwelcome guest, even Kantha.

“What do you want?” hisses Hanai. “If you cared about her at all, you could have made it easy for her to keep her other child. You’re just as bad as she is for not objecting to it. For not asking her to be more reasonable. I don’t want to hear from you unless you’re apologizing.”

“Don’t you think you ought to be a little more respectful to your mom? After all, she’s the one who gave birth to you?”

“She may be my mother, but she’s not a mom,” says Hanai. What happens next almost floors me, for she walks forward and gently takes hold of Zaya’s hand. Zaya’s mouth parts open, as does mine. “I’ve known Zaya for a few days, and that’s all it took for her to be more of a mom to me than that beast over there.”

Kantha wails and cries out, covering her mouth in shock. Zephyron wraps his arm around her, but she shoves him away. A look of annoyance comes over his face as he dusts himself off.

“Hanai, drop her hand,” snaps Kantha.

“No!” yells Hanai. “You should leave. You don’t belong here. You’ve already ruined so much. I don’t want you to ruin anything else.”

The air in the room falls so silent that one could hear a speck of dust hitting the floor. I bring myself to step forward, taking Hanai’s other hand. As I do, she looks up at me, her face of anger immediately melting into a smile.

“I… I don’t know what to say,” mutters Kantha.

“How about goodbye?” I say, garnering an evil eye from Zephyron. I return the gesture.

“I’m glad you found your fated mate, but now Daddy has found his. He and Zaya are the parents I choose.”

How does she…?I look down at Hanai, then at Zaya who is caught off guard just like me. I mouth the words,I didn’t tell her.

“Fated?” snaps Kantha. “Taurek, is this true?”

Proudly, I nod, my chin held high. From the corner of my eye, I see Zaya beaming at me. I don’t know how Hanai could have known without us telling her, but I’m overjoyed. She must feel bonded to her as well.

“This is… simply preposterous,” says Zephyron.