“You are not to be allowed another step forward.”
“I’m Zaya…”
“We know who you are, ma’am. We’re under direct orders to keep you out.”
“Direct orders from who?”
She confirms my suspicions a moment later. Between the guards, Kantha appears. A snake would be a better mother. A black widow would be a better mate.
“Good morning, Taya.”
“It’s Zaya.” I try to keep my returning anger in check.
“Oh, right, Zaya. What a lovely name. Now, Zaya, what can we help you with?” Kantha gives me a phony smile. I return the gesture.
“I was trying to see Kantha. Please tell them they are mistaken.”
“Oh, but they aren’t. Only royals are allowed past this point. And you are…” She looks me up and down with a smug smile. My rage is starting to boil over. “Not royal, to say the least.”
“Right. But I’m a guest of Prince Taurek here at the castle.”
“Congratulations.” Her phony smile stretches wider.
“I’d like to see Hanai. I can hear she is feeling better and I…”
“I’m afraid that’s not possible. You cannot see Hanai.”
“Why not?”
“Because I don’t want you to. Don’t really need a reason more than that, I suppose.”
“I’m seeing her. You have no jurisdiction here.” I take another step forward. The guards’ tighten their grip on their weapons, and they step closer to me to tower over.
“No. You won’t,” Kantha insists.
“I was brought here to help heal your daughter. I went on a dangerous mission to bring medicine back to her. I just want to talk to her. See how she’s feeling.”
“We have real doctors for that. Taurek can have his…petsif he’d like, but as long as I have a say, you’ll stay away from my daughter.”
“And how much longer do you think you’ll have a say? Aren’t you supposed to be heading back to your beloved Cloud Kingdom?”
The guards take another step toward me. Once they move, I can see further into the room behind them, and Hanai comes into view. Her face reads with confusion as she looks back and forth between me and her mother.
That confusion morphs into anger. It’s so good to see her up and walking, but this is not how I wanted us to reunite. I wanted the laughter, not this.
I wonder how much she heard of the argument. How long was she there? Maybe I was intruding on family time. She just got healthy, and her mother came back into her life. Who am I to try to force my way into that?
Does Hanai hate me now for being rude to her mother? She keeps looking angrily back and forth between me and Kantha. Have I just alienated myself from her forever?
This can’t be how things end for me with Hanai. I just wanted so badly to see her healthy again and to talk to her. I wanted to tell her that I love her. And that I love her father, too.
Irise to my feet, quickly marching over to see what all the commotion is about once I hear it. I had been out in the courtyard attached to the room, playing a game with Hanai. I didn’t realize at first she had left, and then once I follow her, I hear chaos.
“What’s going on?” I call out, only to be met with no answer. Hanai has only just recovered, the last thing she needs right now is extra stress! I reach the group, pushing through just in time to hear Hanai.