Isit up and look around, and it takes a few moments to remember that I fell asleep on the small carpet at the foot of Hanai’s bed. Even the floors of this place are comfortable and luxurious. I almost don’t want to get up.

Immediately, I change my mind. I need to see how Hanai is doing. I’m almost afraid to see her face, in case she’s gotten worse.

The palace is peacefully quiet. Everything is so calm and serene, like there isn’t a problem in the world.

I stand up and stretch, standing over Hanai’s sickbed elevated high up, terrified to see her.

“Oh, my God. No.”

I didn’t think any sight could be more terrible than her looking worse. But there is. It’s the sight of no one in her bed. I scan my surroundings in a panic, and I see no sign of her.

“No! Hanai?”

I look behind her bed and in the washroom, and there’s no sign of her anywhere. How could this happen? Where did she go? How can she just disappear?

Would I have missed a commotion in the middle of the night? I was so exhausted, with so little sleep, and I’d be the least of their concerns. It’s not like they’d wake me up if she needed to be transported to a hospital.

She’s dead. I know she is. There’s no question that’s where she is. She was comatose when I saw her. Even before that, she could barely walk on her own. Her breathing and heart rate were erratic. I had always known it was a possibility, but I couldn’t actually imagine it happening.

What if Hanai’s health took a turn for the worse? Without treatment, the doctors weren’t sure exactly how her health would deteriorate. What if it happened in the night? While I just slept here.

I failed her. How can I live with myself? I guess the small consolation is that if I hadn’t come, it would have happened anyway, and Taurek wouldn’t have found what he thinks is his fated mate. But my dreams of my life with Taurek never involved a family of two. It was always with Hanai, healthy again, growing stronger, living without the burden of illness.

The tears start streaming down my face. I can’t hold them back. She deserved so much more in this life. She deserved to grow up. Instead, some mystery illness had the nerve to steal her from all of those who love her.

Another terrible thought enters my mind. What if the bracelet I made wasn’t just a pointless gesture? What if it made her worse?

The medicine I made certainly didn’t help her. Maybe the bracelet is what finally killed her. Not only could I not save Hanai, but I made it all so much worse for her.

I don’t deserve to be here anymore. Someone like me shouldn’t get to enjoy the luxuries of this place. Someone like me shouldn’t get to be with Taurek. I should just…

Laughter cuts through the silence of the palace like a hot knife through chordata butter. Who dares laugh during a day like this?No… could it be? No. There’s no way. Could it be Sorsha and Talan’s kids?

The laughter continues to echo throughout the palace. Each time it hits my ears, I feel a sense of sadness, knowing that it’s a sound Hanai can’t make.

Now the only sounds are the laughter and my feet against the perfectly polished floors. More laughter hits my ears, and I pick up speed.If it were another kid, by this point the parents would have told them to be quiet. Could it be? Do I let myself hope…?

I get closer and closer, knowing that whatever I see next will determine the course of my life. The laughter hits my ears once again, and I pause to study it. Yes. I think it’s her. I can’t believe it.

I’d only heard her laugh a few times, and even that took effort. She’s not only alive but out of bed and laughing! I race toward the sound. I need to hug her. I need to tell her that I’ve never been so happy in my life, and it’s all because she’s better.

I have so many questions. But mainly, I just want to get to her side. I want to hear that laugh right in my ears. The echoes against the place walls don’t do the sound justice.

I’m getting closer and closer. Her laughter is the most beautiful sound I could ever hope to hear.

I turn a corner and see two guards blocking a doorway. It’s understandable that Taurek would arrange for guards to protect Hanai. She’s probably still weak. But as I get closer, I see that these aren’t the normal palace guards I’ve seen around. They’re both wearing Cloud Kingdom insignias. As I get closer, they hold their hands out to tell me to stop.

“No further, ma’am.”

“Oh, I’m Prince Taurek’s guest.” I take another step towards them.

“No further, ma’am.”

“I treated Hanai. I can hear her laughing. I’d like to see her.” I take another step towards them. They both move their hands to their weapons. “Seriously?”