But I can see our next best path up the mountain. Through the storm, I see a new trail, relatively untouched. The way the mountain is formed, and how the blizzard is coming in, the trail is almost completely clear.
We could take that trail and not have to worry about the storm at all. We’d have to push through the blizzard to get to the start of the path, but after that, it’ll be a fairly straight shot to the roxolite, according to Rylan’s estimations on where it would be.
The only problem is that it’s a notoriously dangerous trail to take. It’s steep, and it’s covered in deep ravines. One wrong step can send a climber the quick way down the mountain or to a final resting place in the abyss. It’s well known around the Mountain Kingdom for taking the lives of those who dare to brave it, and it’s earned a name befitting that reputation – Climbers’ Bane.
An experienced climber would struggle to get to the top. I’ll struggle. Zaya… well, ‘struggle’ seems too small of a word. But it’s our only chance.
I slowly and carefully work my way back down the ice shard. Any moment I’m not cautiously planning where to put my foot next, I’m working out how to sell this plan to Zaya. I don’t need her to like it. I just need her to agree to it.
When I get my feet back on solid ground, I step into the cave with Zaya. The wind is still furiously whipping around outside, whistling at the entrance as I clamber in.
“So? What’s the plan?”
“I managed to spot a path. Pretty clear of snow. Protected from the blizzard by the angle of the mountain.”
“Perfect! Let’s go!”
I hate that I’m about to wipe away the smile on her face.
I purse my lips together and shake my head. She should be used to unpleasant news by now, but she continually seems shocked every time I deliver it. It’s endearing that she still has the capacity for misfortune to surprise her.
“It’s a very dangerous route.”
“Isn’t all of this?”
“Which should tell you just how dangerous this route is. It’s called Climbers’ Bane. It’s a steep trail. Verysteep. Too steep for chordata. We have to leave them.”
She pauses to think as if she’s attempting to bargain with the elements outside. “Is this really the only option? We could wait until the storm dies down. Reconnect with Rylan. Stick to the original plan. Not go up a deadly steep path.”
“The storm has been going non-stop for hours. We have no reason to believe that it won’t continue for hours, if not longer. By the time it stops completely, all the trails may be impossible to travel. This one we know is passable.”
“But –”
“And we have no idea where Rylan is. Our best chance at reconnecting with him would be to get to the roxolite stores in the bend around Milas Peak. Regardless, the plan was thrown out the minute the blizzard hit. The trail we planned on taking might as well be gone now.”
“I get it, Taurek. But what chance do I have on a trail that has killed Kiphian who are genetically evolved to be better climbers than I could ever hope to be?”
“I’ll be there to help you. Guide you along every step.”
“All of the Kiphians who have died here would have lived if you were here? Taurek, I can’t do this. How am I supposed to survive doing that?
“How is Hanai supposed to survive if you don’t?”
The whole time we’ve been arguing about the trail, it’s taken all my strength not to think of Hanai. Lying in her bed, fading away as we argue. I should be there by her side, but I’m here to ensure she gets the help she needs.
My daughter is dying. We’re the only ones who can help her. I don’t care if the trail requires us to grow wings. We’re taking it. The image of Hanai hangs in the air between us. Zaya lowers her head, and I can tell that she’s let the reality sink in that we have to face this obstacle.
“We have to go. I’m sorry, but that’s the truth. We can’t wait for the storm to stop or for us to find Rylan. He might be dead for all we know.”
“I know. I know.” She looks at me apologetically. “It’s just, how does it help Hanai if we get ourselves killed?”
“I’d rather die trying to save her than to see the look on her face when we return empty-handed. Or worse, return with the roxolite in hand but no Hanai to give it to.”
I start to head towards the mouth of the cave to look outside. The blizzard is still raging. If anything, it has gotten stronger since we began to argue. I can’t wait any longer, though. We need to set out quickly.
I look behind me, and Zaya is right there, just a step behind me in the cave. She slips her hand into mine and our fingers intertwine together.
“Let’s go save Hanai.” Zaya takes a step together with me out into the storm.