Suddenly, as we dance, the room around us fades away. We continue to dance through the void. His eyes never leave my face. His hands never leave my body.
My makeshift chambers fade into the background. The music swells louder and louder but we stop dancing.
Taurek’s hands move up and down my body. The tips of his fingers graze my skin. He holds me up against the wall. Taurek holds his lips just a hair from my skin. His breathing tingles through my body, and it feels like the skin itself is moving.
I want more. My brain can’t focus on much else besides the experience of his body during this assault of pleasure. But I know I want more.
Taurek looks me in the eyes. “Time to wake up, Zaya.”
I’m jolted awake as a rap on my door startles me. It takes a moment to register where I am and what’s happening. The pounding grows louder.
“Zaya. It’s time for us to depart,” his voice calls through the stone door.
I jump up from my bed and race to the door. Opening it up, I find myself face-to-face with Taurek. Just like I was a moment ago in my dream.
As I look into his eyes, I can feel the pink rush to my cheek, as if he knows the contents of my dream as intimately as I do. And I’m embarrassed to say, I want the real thing so much more than even the untrammeled desire I had for him in the dream.
Fortunately, I never talk in my sleep. Not as far as I know. Plus the door was closed.
“It’s time to go.” He looks me up and down with a glint in his eye. Mikal, fortunately, gave me a glorious silken robe for sleeping, and the image he has of me isn’t much different from how my body was last night in the dream.
“Your clothes for the trip have been prepared. Here’s your satchel. The chordatas have been outfitted already with other provisions.”
“Thank you.”
“Of course. I’ll be waiting downstairs.”
Taurek starts to walk away but stops and quickly looks back at me before continuing. For the briefest moment, he gave me this stare with the flash of a smirk. Does he somehow know?
Saying goodbye to my daughter is one of the most painful feelings I’ve ever had. I can’t help the negative thoughts swirling in the back of my mind as much as I try to push them away. How much worse is she going to get while we’re gone?
The worst thought has only sprung up a few times, one I don’t care to think of again. Coming back home and being alone with myself in this palace would be my worst nightmare.
Walking into her room, my heart sinks. She’s lying almost lifeless in her bed. My eyes fixate on her stomach, and once I see it rise and fall, I feel like I can breathe again. I just don’t know how much longer it will continue that way. That’s the most horrifying aspect of this illness. Not knowing.
“Hanai?” I ask, almost in a whisper. Part of me hopes she keeps sleeping so I don’t have to say goodbye. But I would never forgive myself if I didn’t.
“Hmm?” she mutters, blinking her eyes slowly as her head turns toward me. “Hi, Daddy.”
“Hi, Princess.”
Kneeling at the edge of her bed, I take her hand in mine and grin. Her hair is tangled in the back from her constant sleeping, and her eyes are dazed like she’s been on a sedative.
“Zaya and I have to go, alright?”
“Now?” She frowns and pouts. I wonder momentarily if I should stop everything and pray to the Divine Ones right now that this isn’t the last time I see this expression on her face.
“Yes, honey.”
“When will you be back?”
“Really soon,” I respond, kissing her hand and trying to quell the knot forming in my throat.