Taurek and I each pick at our desserts. There are far too many, and we can’t even finish one. I’m too nervous about everything. Hanai’s illness. The Ice-Charred Peaks. The slim probability of ever getting back home.
“I hear you leave at dawn, Taurek. Is that true?” a portly Kiphian nobleman asks, sidling up to him.
“Is it, Taurek?” I don’t know if I’ve called him by his first name alone before, but it seems appropriate here. I knew we were leaving soon, but I didn’t realize that that meant a few hours from now.
“We’re leaving as soon as we can. You emphasized the importance of that even more than I did. But it’s crucial, of course. Yes, we set out tomorrow. And if you’ll excuse me, I need to arrange some details of that with the Thane currently.”
How did Hanai’s mom last as long as she did with Taurek? If this is how he always is, hot and cold, it must be maddening. I’ve only known him for a short while and I’m already tired.
Hanai has never said exactly how her mom passed away. But dealing with someone like him couldn’t be good for anyone's health.
“It’s a shame.” The portly Kiphian takes Taurek’s seat.
“What is?” I say offhandedly but get no response.
“What’s a shame, Duke?” a nobleman beside me asks. His question is quickly acknowledged.
“Really everything about Prince Taurek. I remember years ago when his mate was still with us. He was so much more alive then.”
“Ah, Kantha. Yes. Before the calamity.” An older Kiphian noblewoman leans in. “They were a good match. There was love there. As much as there can be in those circumstances. After she was gone, everything changed.”
“If you don’t mind me asking,” I interject. “How did she pass?”
“How did she…?” The portly Kiphian looks at me in confusion. Just then, the band launches into playing some slow ballad.
“Oh, I love this song!” The noblewoman grabs the portly Kiphian by the hand. “Dance with me!” The two run off to the dance floor, as do most at the table, and I’m left with only more questions.
Taurek when he’s nice and in love. I can hardly imagine such a sight. I get a flash of what it must be like to be the recipient of it, and I feel something akin to stage fright. As if such a bright beam shouldn’t be focused on me.
In waves, the visions appear. Taurek’s hand tenderly holds mine. His fingers brush the hair out of my face. I have dinner with him and Hanai as a family. I feel his lips on mine.
“Everything is all set for tomorrow.” I’m brought back to reality as Taurek sits back down next to me.
“Oh, good. That’s a relief, I suppose.” I try to catch his eye, and he’s looking at another one of the guests.
“It is. Care to celebrate out on the dance floor?”
“I’m sure you learned some impressive moves growing up amid high society. I’d love to learn.”
He gives a big grin and takes my hand as he leads me to the dance floor. I suddenly realize I know nothing about Kiphian dancing, but I have a feeling that whatever I don’t know, Taurek will tell me. Probably in the most condescending way possible, too.
With one hand, Taurek holds mine. His other finds purchase on the small of my back. The touch of his fingers against my exposed skin sends electricity across my body. My free hand falls on his shoulder.
The rest of the night is a blur. Taurek and I dance together, in silence and in raucous laughter, likely inspired by the wine. We’re on the dance floor until the band packs up to leave. Even then, we continue to dance while singing the evening’s tunes a little too loud.
Our eyes hardly leave the other’s. I can’t help but wish this night didn’t have to end. I also can’t believe this is the same Kiphian I’ve been so afraid of since I got here.
“I’ll be here to wake you up bright and early.” Taurek leads me to my makeshift chambers after the feast ends.
“Goodnight, Prince Taurek.”
“Goodnight, Lady Zaya.”
I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. I had no idea just how tired I was until that moment. There is no way I’ll be getting enough sleep by the time I need to get up tomorrow.
Almost instantly, my head begins to swim in a dream of Taurek. We’re back on the dance floor, just the two of us. His hand is on my lower back, just where I want it. Our bodies are pressed together.
Taurek leads me across the dance floor. The music booms a lovely melody from an unknown source. My gown flows behind me as we dance.