Oliver tried to stifle some high-pitched noises while he slammed his palm onto the mattress in excitement. Marta gasped in shock and one of her eyebrows rose until it was almost lost in her hairline. Why was he reacting like this?
He looked into her bemused face and a wide grin spread over his own face before he jumped out of the bed.
“What the…” Marta started, but got distracted by the perfect arrow that Oliver’s upper body was shaped into.
The constant working out from the age of 16 was really showing off in his toned abs, the popping pelvic bones and the muscular chest. And his biceps… Marta could get lost in watching them tense every time Oliver picked something up.
Her train of thought was interrupted the moment Oliver started to dance around the bed. His hands balled into fists, his arms swinging wildly around his upper body while he moved his hips to a music that only he could hear.
It looked ridiculous and adorable at the same time.
“We’re gonna have a date. We’re gonna have a date,” he hummed, punctuating his words with more hip movements.
That man knew exactly how to move his hips but that wasn’t news for Marta. Sex with him had shown that to her pretty quickly.
“You’re crazy,” she mumbled between laughs, her eyes following Oliver's every move.
Marta wouldn’t describe his dancing as elegant or even following any kind of rhythm, but she couldn’t stop giving him heart-eyes. He looked way too cute in his excitement and happiness.
“Marta Gómez is gonna go on a date with meeeeee,” Oliver sang while winking at the woman still lying in the bed.
“Shut up and come here now.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Oliver stopped dancing and placed himself at the end of the bed before jumping head first into it.
“Shit!” Marta exclaimed, but thankfully she managed to pull her one leg away in time before Oliver landed with his stomach on the mattress.
He was giggling like a teenager, rolling on his side to face Marta with a broad grin and sparkles in his eyes.
“Stop behaving like a teenager, Oliver!”
“Okay, sorry,” he laughed, leaning in and giving her a kiss on her lips, but the moment his lips touched hers he pulled back and looked at her.
They’d kissed each other before but always in the heat of the moment while having sex, not outside of it.
“Oh gosh.” He only whispered, let himself fall back on his back and covered his eyes with his hands in embarrassment.
“I’m such an idiot.” He mumbled again and again, whining in between the words and trying to melt into the mattress so that Marta wouldn’t find him anymore.
She watched him for a while before having mercy with him and scooted closer to him to place a kiss on his forearm. She couldn’t reach anything else.
“It’s okay.” She whispered in between more kisses.
“It’s not. I kissed you without your consent. Iaman idiot.” He was still mumbling into his hands, making it hard to understand him.
“Oliver.” Marta now said with a tone that made him flinch.
He removed his hands from his face, turned his head towards Marta and looked at her in expectation of the rant that he knew was probably coming. But instead of saying something the Deputy Director crawled on top of him so that her body was covering most of his. Then she slowly leaned her head down and connected her lips with his. In an instant another crack in her heart grew back together, giving her hope that one day it would be healed completely. All because of the man laying underneath her. Oliver slung his arms around Marta’s body, crossing his arms on the small of her back, and returned her kiss passionately.
After a while they let each other go from the kiss, looking into each other’s eyes for another moment.
“Now tell me. What the hell happened in the last thirty minutes?” he asked, still a little confused. When did Marta’s answer change from only friends with benefits to agreeing to a date with him and then even deliberately kissing him?
“I have no idea.” Marta chuckled, before wiggling her body downwards a little so that she could place her head on his chest. Oliver rubbed different shapes like circles and rectangles with his fingernails on the top of her back, still trying to get his head around the change in their relationship. It was unexpected but more than welcome.
“You make me happy for the first time since Frank died. Like really, really happy. When I’m lying here with you I can forget the sadness inside my heart because you make me feel loved. Maybe I wasn’t willing to accept that but the better I felt, the more I could ignore it. So you deserve this date. You fought hard for it, soldier.”