Page 78 of A Story of Sinners

“Why did you withdraw the shadows from Cambriel?” I asked. Both Eulalia and Fin seemed to be haunted over the Otherworld King’s actions and, if I was being honest, so was I. It wasn’t like Malachi to be gracious or show good faith once a promise was broken. The thought of Malachi and Aiden becoming allies filled me with unease.

Malachi sighed. “Always so many questions, my light. If you had come with me like you promised, you would have had all the answers you need.”

My lips pressed together—I didn’t want the answers he offered. Not anymore. There was always another way to glean information, and in the end, I would find the answers I searched for without his help. If he was so concerned with being present in my life, he would make do without threats.

“I’m happy with my life here, Malachi. I don’t need answers badly enough to throw away what I have. You requested I be given the right to choose, and I’ve chosen. I wish to remain in Faerie. Unbothered. Unless you have a friendly visit in mind.”

If his intentions had been pure, that would have done it. I’d finally chosen, and the treaty could be signed, sealed, and delivered.

But Malachi’s intentions were not pure.

“That deal has long since passed,” he fumed. “You were given a choice, and you failed to decide in a timely manner. The time for choice is long over. Treaties have changed, sides have switched, and I recommend you rethink your plan entirely, my light.”

I held my chin high, Ryken a reassuring presence at my back as I gave Malachi the answer he didn’t want. “No. I have chosen already.”

Malachi’s eyes darkened as his hands lifted, shadows streaming from them. There was little time to raise my own before his shadows attacked, pushing me from my dreamscape. I sat upright in bed, gasping at the residual feel of those dark, hollow shadows, haunting and foreboding.

Nothing good would come of this.



My mind reeled from the events of last night as I sat in bed, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. When I’d finally fallen back to sleep, it was to emptiness. Nothingness. My former dreamscape had been wiped away as if it never existed. The events of last night made me question how much power Malachi truly had. If he could wipe my mind, my dreams, what else was he capable of?

The thought was a terrifying one, and I could feel the peace I’d established in the Dragon Lands slowly being pried from my grasp. I feared for my friends, both new and old. I feared for Redmond and my mate.

Gabriella entered my room like a typhoon, blue and purple garments clutched in her fists, only to be tossed on top of me. Small bits of fabric smacked my face. She didn’t even greet me before digging into my armoire, sending clothes soaring through the air and onto my bed.

Kieran would arrive today, and her excitement was palpable. I would feel excited for her too if I wasn’t so worried. After her parents and George and Aiden, she deserved to feel that swell of joy, regardless of how short it might last.

“I don’t think he cares what you wear.”

She pulled a sleek blue gown from the armoire, dipped low at the chest with flowing silk that landed at her ankles. “I don’t think he does either, but I do. You have better clothing. How? I never see you buy much when we go shopping.”

I mulled over her question, never bothering to consider the clothing that seemed to magically appear in my closet each day. There was never a note attached nor any indication of where it came from. My brows furrowed as I stared at the gown in her grasp. I’d never seen it before in my life. “Honestly, I have no idea, but I should probably look into it.”

She shot me an incredulous look. “They’re obviously from High King Ryken.” Holding the gown to the light, she hummed. “Can I borrow it?”

I smiled at the mental image of Ryken sneaking into my room and leaving behind presents, as if he were a crow leaving me small gifts and knick-knacks. He would do it based off the nickname alone, all while chuckling beneath his breath as he thought himself to be so clever.

The thought brightened my otherwise cloudy mood, and my lips tilted into a grin. Perhaps he would visit today. There was still much to be discussed, and I hated the idea of the distance between us lasting any longer. We were a long way from a good place, but I was willing to try. The ache in my chest needed to be lifted, and I was desperate to be rid of it.

“Of course you can wear it,” I answered, approaching Gabriella and the armoire. I searched its contents for some sort of sign of him, but there was nothing. No note, no message scrawled on the side of the wood, not even a whiff of his scent.

My spirits instantly dropped.

I peered back at Gabriella as she slid the dress on and studied her reflection in the full-length mirror. “Do you think the two of you will finally speak today? Did he visit your dream last night?”

Her cheeks flushed bright red. “He visited my dream, but it’s different there. It’s almost as if he’s fully comfortable to be himself, while in the real world, he feels as if he must hold back.”

“It’s probably due to his power,” I claimed, marching over to tie the back of her gown. “Eulalia told me his power is fear, and even when he tries to hold it back, a small bit still manages to slip through.”

I’d felt that small bit of fear whenever he was present, and it made my heart nearly stop beating. It was terrifying to imagine what the full force of his power could do.

“Fear?” Gabriella asked, shaking her head. “I’ve never felt that before.”

My head tilted as I studied her. Everyone I’d spoken to felt their own fears reflected in the male. Maybe, just maybe, it was possible that the thing she’d always felt calling her had been him.