Chatter sounded around the room, and it was clear everyone felt thrilled at the prospect of having the darkness withdrawn—something I hadn’t even known Malachi to be capable of.
It was the solution everyone in this room sought, and yet Aiden hesitated. “Obviously, I can’t make the decision on behalf of every kingdom, though I believe most will want it.” He eyed Ryken carefully, as if concerned to step on his toes. “Give me the rest of the day to discuss with the others, and we will have your answer by tomorrow, as requested.”
Malachi’s lips twisted into a knowing smirk as he met my eyes, and I couldn’t help but smile. I didn’t know where I would go next, to the Otherworld with him, the sanctum with Redmond, or to the Mortal Lands to start anew, but I knew that by this time tomorrow, I would be free of rune cuffs.
Free of the threat of the dungeon.
Free to live my life how I pleased.
Simply free.
The summit would end tomorrow. Negotiations would end with the signing of a treaty between the continent and the Otherworld, and the rune cuffs would be removed from my wrists. Brandon had been the one to inform me of the news when he came to gather me for the celebratory ball.
Though my options on where to go next were limited, I felt delighted. Aiden was to pardon me, erasing any record of my supposed crimes against the crown, and I was welcome anywhere within the two worlds. I’d been told I would be able to return to the sanctum and resume my studies under Redmond, or I could leave to pursue another way of life. I still wasn’t sure what my next step would be.
I would no longer be trapped behind the four walls of my bedroom, having my every move watched by Brandon. If I chose to resume my studies, I could leave the sanctum to travel any time I wished,goanywhere I wished. A small part of me still held hope that Ryken would take back what he did, and take me, Gabriella, and Redmond away to Faerie, but I hadn’t seen hide nor hair of him since they resumed the meeting without Malachi’s or my presence.
The option of leaving with Malachi was attractive enough, but I still questioned his motives, despite how hard he fought on my behalf. His insistence on my pardon was most likely a ploy to gain my trust, but despite that, there were so many unanswered questions I desperately needed resolved. Who was my father? If I wasn’t a shade, then what could I possibly be? The Otherworld consisted of shades and shadows, and the woman who had given birth to me had been tossed in alongside Malachi’s mother.
It was possible Malachi had made the entire thing up, but there were undeniable facts backing his claim, like how his magic was one of dark shadows, while mine was one of golden fire. I’d always thought my magic to be a wicked curse, but maybe evil was just a construct. Maybe the damage my magic had sown was all my fault for never gaining control, for shutting it down and locking it away when all it ever wanted was to be free.
I sympathized for it now—what I had done to it had been done to me in return. Facing confinement had left me feeling nearly as rageful as my magic.
I rubbed the rune cuffs at my wrists as I followed Brandon down the winding staircase towards the ballroom, knowing my magic sat just beneath the cuffs, pent up and furious. I would need to learn control once it was free, and someone would need to teach me. Ryken would have been my first pick, or Eulalia, though she had purposefully avoided me since the start of the summit. Both options seemed to be out of the equation.
We entered the ballroom, where lords and ladies had already initiated the first dance, and Brandon sighed. “You’ll sit with Aiden and Gabriella tonight, and then you can choose tomorrow.” As we passed through the growing crowd, my eyes landed on Malachi, holding up the wall with his creatures beside him.
Malachi could teach me how to control my magic.
The thought was quickly cut off as Gabriella pounced on me, hugging me tightly.
“I’ve been granted permission to spend time with you from our gracious king,” she jested, her voice holding a note of sarcasm as Aiden and George’s eyes bore into her. When she pulled away, she spoke low, “Don’t forget your promise. Find a place we can escape to, a place where I can join you and not be found.”
Aiden and George resumed their conversation, and I slanted my head. “Are you serious about this? Are you sure you want to leave?”
“Yes. Without a doubt, yes.”
“They will absolutely lose their minds.” I nudged her arm and sighed, my gaze scanning the crowd in search of Ryken, Fin, or Eulalia, but they were nowhere to be found. “Once I figure out where I’m going, I’ll devise a plan for you.”
“Good. They deserve to feel even a fraction of what they put us through.”
I hummed beneath my breath, my gaze still scanning the crowd.
“He left for Faerie.”
My heart dropped. “What?”
Gabriella’s eyes widened. “I thought you knew. George told me there was an argument between Aiden and Ryken, so the fae party left for Faerie, and they won’t be returning.” Her hands wrung together. “He didn’t say goodbye?”
“No,” I answered flatly, trying to hold back the pure vitriol that threatened to spill forth.
Gabriella hummed, and Aiden interrupted. “Join us, Lady Dahlia.”
With our time cut short, Gabriella sighed. We approached the dais, and this time, I curtseyed, allowing all the other occupants to witness it. I wouldn’t fight with him, not in this moment, because this time tomorrow, I would be free. I would no longer be referred to as his mistress.