Page 91 of Brittle Heart

My tongue glides over her bottom lip, requesting entrance. Our first kiss had been sweet and innocent, but I want to explore her now.

I need to taste her so bad.

She complies, parting her lips to allow my tongue to meet hers. I can’t help but suppress a smile when I feel how cold her tongue is.

It’s adorable how she hesitates, unsure how to do this, so I take the lead, stroking her tongue with mine. She quickly picks up the rhythm, moving in sync. Then she hums into the kiss. The sound sends shivers down my spine, and I pull her even closer.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, I pull back it, resting my forehead against hers and taking a moment to catch my breath. “That was two, at least nine hundred ninety-eight to go,” I whisper, punctuating my words with a gentle kiss on the tip of her nose.

Her giggle fills the space between us. It is a sound I’ve never heard from her before but instantly fall in love with.

A voice laced with a strong accent interrupts us. “Is this officer giving you trouble,carina?” I turn and see that the voice belongs to one of the guys working in the kitchen I saw earlier.

Carolina shakes her head. “No, Matteo. I’m good, thanks.” Her voice is firm, leaving no room for further concern.

He nods, leaving us alone again.

I release a long sigh. “I need to find a quiet spot for you where we won’t be disturbed.” I cringe. “I hope that didn’t sound as creepy as I think it did.”

She laughs before her face turns serious again. “I’m sorry about what happened earlier with Del Moro. I didn’t mean to put you in such an awkward position.”

Is she seriously apologizing to me?

I pull her closer to me. “You’re apologizing? Carolina, I’m the one who should apologize. I messed up. I should’ve defended you, whether you wanted me to or not. That asshole’s opinion means nothing to me.” I softly kiss her lips, unable to stay away now that I’ve had a taste. “Our first kiss deserved a better setting. I promise I’ll make it up to you.”

Her lips curl into a smile, making my heart flutter.

I check the time and ask, “When does your shift end?” It’s already one fifteen.

“Usually, it depends on the customers. But I’d say I’ve got about half an hour left. Why do you ask?” she questions.

“You’re always working this late?” I ask, surprised.

She shrugs nonchalantly. “Most of the time, yes.”

“And on top of that, you’re going to college, interning with my sister, and now working at the tattoo shop on Saturdays…” I pause, amazed. “When do you even sleep?”

Her lips curl up in amusement. “Why do you want to know when my shift ends, Josh?”

I brush a loose strand of hair from her face and tuck it behind her ear. “We could offer you a ride home?”

“But it’s only three blocks.” She laughs. “What are you going to do? Wait outside? That might affect my tips.”

I chuckle in response. “No, we’ll come back later to pick you up.”

She rolls her eyes at me. “Three blocks.”

I lean in, giving her a quick peck on the lips, and whisper in her ear, “Doorstep goodnight kiss.”

Blushing, she manages a shy “Okay.”

I brighten up immediately. “Really? Okay?”

She grins at me. “Yes, okay. Now get out before my boss catches me hanging out with cops,” she teases.

I grin at her response, giving her one more quick peck on the lips before stepping back. “All right. I’ll be back for you in half an hour, Carolina.”

As I turn to leave, she calls after me. “I’ll be waiting,Officer!”