Page 88 of Brittle Heart

Work in the lab is interesting, which makes the time go by faster, and soon, Clay and Josh come in to get us to go eat.

When Josh’s gaze finds mine, my heart skips a beat. He comes over and pulls me into a hug, sniffing my hair.

“You’re not big on texting, it seems,” he comments, his face still buried in my hair.

“I—” I start, but Clay interrupts with an annoyed huff.

“I’m starving, guys. Can we schedule the smooching for later?”

Josh rolls his eyes at me, and I can’t help but smirk as he gives me a quick kiss on the nose before taking my hand and leading me out to where the others are waiting.

“Today is Pizza Friday.” Josh wiggles his eyebrows at me as we enter the cafeteria.

I laugh. “Of course, that is something you like.”

“You will see why. Can I grab a slice for you too?” he asks. “Even Clay gets one from time to time since it’s so good.”

We walk up to the counter, and Clay and Sophia are already getting their pizzas. “We’ll meet you at the table,” Sophia tells us.

I note the price on the display, and it’s only five dollars.Fuck it. I made good tips yesterday, and they all got one, so why not.

I grab a slice of Margherita and join Josh at the cashier to pay, then we head over to our usual table.

“… no, I will not make that mistake again. He kissed like a dead fish,” Sophia complains.

“Who are we talking about,” I ask.

“There is a cop who is into Sophia, but she went out with him once and never gave that poor man a chance again. He looks at her like a lost puppy.” Clay snickers.

“It was just awful. He is nice and all, but the kiss he gave me…” she makes a sour face, and her body shakes, “… not a fucking chance. Agree with me, Carolina. Guys who can’t kiss are not dateable. Kissing is important.”

“I wouldn’t know,” I reply quietly, shrugging.

“What?” Sophia asks.

“I’ve never kissed someone before,” I say, focusing on my pizza.

“Wait, you’ve never been kissed?” Clay asks, his eyes widening in surprise.

Sophia chimes in, “Don’t be mean, Cooper!”

“I’m not being mean. I just can’t believe it. How come you haven’t kissed anyone? You’re twenty-two!” Clay says in shock.

Dammit! Why did I have to open my mouth?

Trying to appear unaffected, I casually reply, “It just hasn’t happened.” The entire conversation bothers me, so I try to change the topic, asking, “Are you guys looking forward to Sunday?”

Clay refuses to let it go, probing further, “Are you one of those girls who is waiting until marriage?”

Caught off guard while taking a sip of water, I almost spit it out. Chuckling, I say, “Nope, not planning on getting married.”

He furrows his brow. “We’ll come back to that, but what is it then, kitten?”

Sophia jumps in to defend me, saying, “Maybe she simply wants it to be with the right person, in the perfect moment. Maybe she’s a romantic. Stop bothering her!”

I smile at her, thankful for her attempt at defending me. “That’s a sweet thought, but honestly, I’ve reached a point where I don’t care about the circumstances. I just want it to be someone who genuinelywantsto kiss me,” I admit, looking at Josh before quickly looking back down at my hands in my lap.

I’m surprised at myself for opening up like this. It’s not like me, but they already feel like friends. It’s as if I finally understand what friendship is supposed to feel like, even though I’ve never experienced it before.