Page 74 of Brittle Heart

But before I can say anything, she quickly bends down and scoops up a handful of snow, throwing it at me. It lands right in the middle of my chest.

“Oh, you did not,” I accuse, feigning a glare. Then I lean down to grab some snow myself, but she puts her hands up in a surrendering motion.

“No, I’m sorry! I surrender!” she pleads, her laughter filling the air.

“Pity, I don’t care,” I say, laughing too, as I pull my arm back, ready to retaliate with my own snowball.

She quickly turns, starting to run away from me. But in her haste, she slips on the snow and lands on her ass. I immediately lower my arm, rushing to her side. “Fuck, are you okay?”

“Ouch.” She winces, but then her laughter bubbles up again. “I’m fine, but I hope nobody saw that.”

“Oh, I sure did. I think I’m not the only clumsy one here,” I tease with a grin, tugging at the back of her jacket to discreetly place the snow still in my hand.

She squeals and quickly scrambles back to her feet. “You sneaky bastard.” She laughs, shivering. “It’s running down my back.”

“That was the point,” I shrug.

She turns around, patting her ass to get rid of the snow on her jeans. With each pat, her butt wiggles, and I find it difficult to tear my gaze away. I silently hope that my jacket is long enough to conceal my boner.

Fuck, how I wish I could be the one patting that fine ass.

When she’s done, she looks up at me, and I notice an adorable redness on her nose and cheeks. Even the tip of her ear is tinged with red, peeking out from behind her hair that she’s pushed back.

“Wait,” I say, taking off my beanie and placing it on her head. My hands linger there for a moment as I gaze down at her, noticing the snowflakes resting on her lashes and the faint smile on her lips. At this moment, a snowflake lands on her nose, and I instinctively brush away the droplets with my thumb. Her breath catches, and for a brief moment, I contemplate kissing her.

Is it too soon?I want to kiss her so fucking bad.Her eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips then back to my eyes again. But just as I’m thinking,Fuck it,she takes a step back.

“I need to go so I can make it in time,” she says, breaking the tension.

“Sure, let’s go,” I say, quickly dismissing my disappointment. The walk to the subway station is short, and as we stand there, waiting for the sub, I notice her shivering. “Are you cold?”

“My jacket is crap. I need a new one.” She shrugs, rubbing her hands together.

I step in front of her, placing my hands over hers and rubbing them gently. Then, I bring them to my face and blow warm air onto her hands. She looks up at me with wide eyes.

“Geez, Carolina, your hands are freezing,” I say.

They feel like ice cubes. I take her wrists, one in each of my hands, and tuck her hands into the sleeves of my jacket and sweater. Inside the warmth of the layers, she holds onto my wrists, and a shiver runs down my spine, not just from the coldness of her hands but from her touch.

“Better?” I ask, my thumb gently stroking the inside of her arm.

“Thank you,” she whispers, her voice barely audible.

We stand there in the cold, holding onto each other, looking into each other’s eyes, and I know I will do everything to make this smart, funny, and beautiful girl mine.

Is it possible to fall this quickly?

Too soon, the subway arrives, and she slides her arms out of my jacket. She moves to pull the beanie from her head, but I stop her. “Please, keep it.”

“But you’ll be cold,” she protests.

“I’ll manage. It’s more important that you stay warm,” I insist.

I catch a glimmer in her eyes, but she simply nods. “Thank you again,” she says before stepping into the subway.

I watch it depart, and I already miss her.

I am so fucked.