Page 6 of Brittle Heart

She snickers. “No, dummy. You know Donny doesn’t like labels.”

I nod, well aware he isn’t going to end his other two flings, but it’s not my place to reveal them.

“You have such a pretty face, you know that?” she says, gripping my face between her thumb and fingers to make me look up at her, squishing my cheeks. “Those golden eyes and full lips. You’re gorgeous.”

I furrow my brow. “Thank you?”

Cindy has never been kind to me.

“All the guys would want you if you lost that extra weight, you know? You could be even prettier than me if you just went on a diet for a while,” she says, and I nod to myself.That makes more sense.Ironically, she genuinely believes she’s complimenting me right now. “It’s such a shame you can’t use that pretty face to your advantage with a body like that.”

I quickly pull away from her and focus on polishing the glasses again. “I can’t do that, can I? How would you manage if all the attention wasn’t solely on you for once?” I respond, sounding bored, but Cindy doesn’t even grasp that it’s meant as a dig at her.

She simply giggles and casually agrees, “That’s true.”

Can this day be over already?

* * *

Finally, my shift is over. Everything hurts. With all the bruises on my belly from this morning, I can barely stand straight anymore. Exhaustion tugs at me while I take off my apron, stashing it in my locker and grabbing my stuff.

Tonight was a good night with generous tips, and because of that, I’ve managed to save up enough just in time for the tattoo appointment I’ve been longing for on my birthday.

But how can I spend money on something so selfish when I just lost one of my jobs?

By the time I reach the 7-Eleven, it’s close to two in the morning. I’m super tired, but I need to get groceries. The pantry at home is nearly empty, and I don’t want to imagine Roberto’s reaction if he wakes up to no food.

Spotting Howie at our usual spot, I pull out the burger and Coke I bought for him. “Hey, Howie,” I say, placing the items in his lap.

He greets me back with a smile. “Hey, kid. Better night tonight?”

“Definitely in terms of tips. That’s why you’re getting a special treat tonight,” I say with a wink.

Howie’s fondness for Coke isn’t a secret.

He blushes a little. “You didn’t have to, Lina.”

“I know, but that’s exactly why I love doing it. Plus, I spoke to Gloria about a bed for you.”

“Kid—” He tries to interject.

I cut him off with a firm shake of my head. “No arguments. You have ’til next week to come to terms with it. That’s when she has an available spot for you. But this is non-negotiable.” I fix him with a serious look.

Howie murmurs a quiet “Thank you,” avoiding eye contact and staring at his lap.

Knowing he feels uncomfortable and needs some time alone, I take my leave. “I’m sorry I can’t stay tonight. I need to get these groceries home. But see you tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow,” he agrees, still not looking up.

The breeze lifts strands of hair that escaped from my ponytail, and I release a long sigh. I’m not looking forward to walking the short distance home, but thankfully, it won’t take me long. I am dead on my feet.

I don’t have to enter the apartment quietly because I hear the television blaring loudly as soon as I step inside.

I hope Chiara can sleep through the noise.

I’m putting away the groceries when Roberto stumbles in. Clearly drunk, he sways unsteadily, and I mentally prepare myself to run to our room.

“You got my money, pig?” he slurs.