Page 36 of Brittle Heart

“We do have something real, but we’re still not done playing around.” I laugh.

“When was the last time you guys brought a girl home? I haven’t seen one around the house in a while,” he asks, looking back up at me.

Xander and I have been together since our early teenage years, and I’ve loved him since when we were just naïve kids who didn’t fully grasp the concept of love. I simply knew he was mine, and I was his.

We are bisexual and occasionally enjoy sharing a woman between us. However, we’ve established clear rules, never with other men, and we only fuck others when we are both in the room. This arrangement works perfectly for us, allowing us to explore together while ensuring no one is left out or jealous.

“It’s more challenging to find women for some morning fun,” I say.

Josh laughs. “True.”

Just then, the radio crackles to life, interrupting our conversation. “Attention all units in the vicinity of 1158 Rhinelander Avenue. We have received multiple noise complaints regarding a house party at that location. Neighbors have reported excessive noise and disturbance. Can any unit in the area please respond and check out the situation, ensure the safety of the attendees, and remind them to keep the noise down? Over.”

We’re only a few blocks away, so I glance at Josh, and he grins, leaning forward to press the response button on the radio. “Dispatch, Unit forty-seven, we copy the noise complaint at Rhinelander Avenue. We will respond and investigate the situation. Over.”

“Fucking finally, something’s happening around here. I thought I was going to need a nap soon,” I say, starting the engine, and we speed off toward the house party.

As we drive through the streets, our patrol car lights flashing, the excitement builds. It’s a much-needed break from the same old routine of our current shift.

When we finally reach the address, an explosion of colors and energy greets us. The house party is in full swing, with the music blaring and laughter echoing through the air.

Bringing the car to a stop, Josh and I exchange a knowing glance, gearing up to face the situation head-on. A cool rush of night air greets us as we get out of the car and approach the house.

Conversations momentarily taper off as the partygoers take notice of our arrival. I can’t help but notice that many of them appear to be barely legal, clutching red cups and wearing somewhat nervous expressions.

Why the fuck do these people party outside? It’s November, for fuck’s sake.

But when I glance up at the house, I can see through the windows that it is packed. With authority in my voice, I address the crowd. “All right, folks, we’ve received noise complaints. We need everyone to keep the noise down and show respect for the neighbors. Let’s keep the party going, but with a little more consideration, all right?”

The crowd responds with nods and murmurs of agreement, and the music gets turned down.

Glancing around, I notice a small group of boys and girls who appear particularly young, too young to be out on a Saturday night with alcohol in their hands. I turn to Josh, and we exchange a nod, silently agreeing to check on them.

The three guys from the group notice our approach and hastily bolt, abandoning their cups and making a quick escape. The two girls are left staring in disbelief, seemingly too shocked to follow suit.

Without wasting a moment, Josh and I position ourselves, each placing a hand on one of the girls’ shoulders to prevent any misguided attempts to flee.

“Ladies,” I address them with a reassuring smile. “May we see your IDs, please?”

Tears begin streaming down the taller girl’s face, signaling we may have just stumbled upon a situation that will keep us occupied for the rest of the night. But when the smaller girl looks up at me, I am stunned.

Carolina’s captivating cat eyes look back at me from a face that is not hers.

* * *


A few hours have passed, and the bar has finally calmed down as the last patrons make their way out. My shift for the day is nearly over, and I made good tips today, but my head is pounding from the heat and the noise over hours.

Needing something for my headache, I head toward the lockers to get my backpack. Since I’m constantly on the go, I make sure to keep a little of everything I may need throughout the day.

I take out a Tylenol and gulp it without water, leaving my backpack behind the counter. The sooner I can clean up, the sooner I can go home. So I grab a cloth and head to a table, letting out a tired sigh.

Of course, Cindy promptly plops herself down on the spot I just cleaned. “I missed you,” she says with a smile.

“Did you?” I respond, my tone edges irritated as I wipe the table.

“Yes, and I’m not the only one. Lennard asked about you, and Matteo wanted me to give him your number,” she says, wiggling her eyebrows mischievously.