Page 24 of Brittle Heart

“Sometimes I hate this job,” I admit to Josh as we enter the NYPD headquarters.

We just finished a call involving potential domestic abuse. A neighbor had reported screams and loud crashes from the apartment above. When we checked it out, the husband claimed everything was fine, that it was just the television making noise. We asked to see the wife, but her English wasn’t great. Her eyes were red-rimmed as though she’d been crying recently, but she said she was okay. There was nothing more we could do, even though I had a gut feeling the neighbor was right about what he heard.

Why do they always have to lie? We just want to help.

“Same,” Josh agrees, leading the way through the headquarters’ labyrinth to Sophia’s lab.

I push the door open to find Sophia perched on her desk, with Carolina standing over her shoulder, peering at her computer screen.

“Hello, ladies,” I greet them, pretending to tip an invisible hat in their direction.

A smile spreads across Sophia’s face while Carolina simply gives me a disinterested glance.

“We’re on a break and starving. Fancy a trip to the cafeteria with us?” Josh asks. Sophia rolls her neck, loosening up a bit, then glances at her wristwatch.

“Wow, it’s already five! What do you think, Carolina? Hungry?” she asks.

“No, sorry. I’ve got plans later on,” Carolina says.

“Got a hot date?” I ask, causing her gaze to lock onto mine. Yet, she offers no answer, simply staring back at me with her signature look of indifference. Silent treatment is one of my weak spots, and it seems she’s figured that out already. She saunters over to her desk, and I follow, positioning myself in front of her. “You can spill the beans, Karen,” I say. “We could meet later for some tea, and you can fill me in on the details. Share how charming he was or how he gallantly held the door open for you. You know, all the usual chatter you girly girls love to do post-date.”

She turns to face me, and a gash on her temple comes into view.

What the fuck?

Instinctively, I reach out my hand to touch it, but she’s quick. Her hand shoots up, intercepting my wrist before I can reach her. Just as swiftly, she releases her grip and lets go of me again.

“Don’t touch me,” she warns.

“What happened there?” I ask, noting the depth of the cut.

“Oh, look, I found your nose. It was in my business,” Carolina quips as she rummages through her backpack on the desk, packing her belongings.

“It comes with the job,” I reply, not ready to let it go. “Tell me what happened.”

Is she trying to protect someone at her own expense?My mind races with possibilities, and none of them are good.

“It’s just a cut, relax. No need to bring out your hero complex.” She rolls her eyes before slinging her backpack over her shoulder.

I notice a slight wince cross her face when the weight of her bag lands.

Seeing her in pain, I step closer and soften my voice. “You can talk to me. When something’s wrong, or you’re in any trouble. I am here, okay? We all are.”

Her golden gaze locks with mine for a few seconds before she turns her head and asks Sophia, “Is it all right if I head out now when you leave?”

“Sure,” Sophia agrees, rising to her feet. “I’m starving. Let’s go.”

Sophia and Carolina take the lead, with Josh gallantly opening the door for them. As we navigate the corridors, I quicken my pace to fall into step with Carolina. “So, how about you telling me all the details of that fancy date at least?”

“How about no?” she flatly responds.

“Oh, so it is a date?” I tease, raising my eyebrows suggestively.

She merely rolls her eyes. “Sure. A super-hot one. He’s going to chauffeur me around the city in his Lamborghini.”

I can’t help but smirk at her response. “Sounds like a real catch.”

As we approach the hallway to the cafeteria, we pause, but Carolina just continues walking, waving a dismissive hand over her head.