Page 18 of Brittle Heart

“You guys are such fucking pussies,” he jeers at his friends before laughing and boarding the subway car with them.

“Get lost, Costa!” he yells before the doors close behind him.

Shaken but alive, I pull Chiara close, letting her cry into my shoulder while I try to calm my racing heart.

We arrive at the office door, and I shake my head to release the memory that has just gripped me. Del Moro clearly hasn’t changed one bit since high school, and his presence only adds another layer of tension to my already stressful day. His spewing shit in front of my new boss is just the icing on the cake.

Sophia opens the door and motions for me to get inside. As I enter, I take a moment to compose myself.I can’t let his toxicity affect my focus.

Sophia closes the door behind us and sits behind her desk while I settle into the chair in front of mine. “Do you want to fill me in?” she asks, her voice filled with genuine concern. “I’ve worked a few cases for Del Moro and he’s seems a real pain, but that was brutal.”

I keep my face blank but just barely. “There is some history there. But I won’t let it distract me from work.”

“That’s the spirit,” she says, her smile widening. “Now, let’s focus on the task at hand. I’ve prepared some samples for you to analyze today. We’ll be working on a case regarding a car crash involving potential drug intoxication.”

My heart skips a beat. My parents died in a car accident. According to the toxicology report, they were intoxicated while driving. I never believed that. My parents weren’t even drinkers, rarely having more than the occasional glass of wine, and they would have never taken drugs.

I tried to voice my doubts, but no one took me seriously as a seventeen-year-old. I was met with dismissive responses, insisting that parents sometimes do things their kids don’t know about. It made me so mad that I decided to become a forensic toxicologist. That way, I can ensure mistakes like that don’t happen to anyone else.

Sophia takes a sip from her big-ass mug. I have to suppress a laugh when I see what is written on it.Tea. Forensics. Sleep. Repeat.

“Put on your coat and gloves, and let’s get started.”

I quickly slip into the lab coat, making sure it fits properly and put on the gloves. I can’t help but marvel at the array of instruments and tools before me.

This is where the real magic happens.

Sophia guides me through the process of analyzing the samples, explaining each step and providing some insights along the way. Hours pass by in a blur, and finally, we reach a breakthrough.

Sophia points to a chart displaying the results of our analysis. “Look at this,” she says, excitement in her voice. “We’ve now identified the specific drug compound that could be the cause of the intoxication. This could be a significant lead in the case.”

I study the chart, feeling proud to have been part of this, but at the same time, my heart hurts. This hasn’t been an easy task, but it is doable.

So how could they have fucked up so badly when it came to my parents’ case?



“Carolina, get your ass over here!” Lennard’s voice echoes, his silhouette framed by the half-open door to the kitchen, propped up by his shoulder.

“On my way!” I holler back, weaving my way through the patrons crowding the bar.

Tonight is busy, and a bachelor party showed up half an hour ago, keeping me on my toes with a continuous stream of orders.

Cindy is conspicuously absent, and sweat trickles down my forehead. The heat in the bar is scorching, and my running around only makes it worse.

With my back, I push open the door to the kitchen, spinning around to ask, “What?”

Lennard thrusts four plates piled with fries and nuggets into my hands. “You forgot this order,” he mutters, a scowl creasing his forehead.

“Calm down, I didn’t forget it. I’ve been too swamped to pick it up until now. In case you hadn’t noticed, the bar is bursting at the seams, and I’m the only one here.”

Matteo steps in front of me, pressing an ice cube to my lips and popping it into my mouth. I look at him with wide eyes, taken aback but unable to push him away, my hands full with the plates.

“Easy,carina.Save your fire for outside.” He laughs.

I’d like to counter, but my mouth is full. Besides, I can already hear the bachelor party guys hollering for another round. So I simply spin on my heels and head back out to deliver the food.