“I’m just going to sit with you guys. I’m not hungry, but yes,” I say.
“That’s great,” he says, walking closely beside me. “How are you liking your internship so far? Do you regret accepting my sister’s offer already?”
“Nope, not one bit. She’s great,” I say honestly, maybe a bit too loudly because she chuckles behind me.
“I sure am!”
* * *
We make our way to the cafeteria, and I am practically starving. “Thank God,” I mutter as we enter to find only a few people around. No need to wait in line this time. I turn to Carolina, asking, “What are you going to get?”
“Still nothing,” she replies, but I don’t push.
Yet as we navigate toward the food counter, where the aroma of food grows stronger, I hear a distinct rumble from her stomach. Glancing at her, I notice a blush creeping onto her cheeks.
Why wouldn’t she get something if she was hungry?
As she starts to fiddle with her backpack to get out a bottle of water, it suddenly dawns on me. I can’t believe what an idiot I’ve been, and on top of that, an absolute asshole. That fine took all her money over the weekend.
How is she supposed to afford cafeteria food?
“I’m thinking of going for fries. Do you like fries?” I ask her.
She gives me a puzzled look. “Sure, who doesn’t? Get whatever you want,” she says dismissively.
Sophia returns from the buffet with a salad bowl. “Want to wait at the table with me while they get theirs?” she asks Carolina, who agrees, and they head toward the register.
Josh walks over to me, making a face. “I know you told me I should eat more vegetables, but these look like they’ve already been eaten once.”
“You’re such an idiot,” I say.
He looks at me, confused. “Okay, okay. I’ll get the goddamn vegetables.”
“No.” I huff. “I mean, we’re assholes. That fine took all her money over the weekend, and all week, we’ve been urging her to come eat with us. With what money?”
His eyes widen in realization. “Fuck.”
“Yeah, fuck,” I grumble, then turn to the cafeteria lady and ask for two servings of fries. When Josh stands next to me, I throw him a warning look. “Get those fucking vegetables.”
He rolls his eyes but complies, ordering some carrots to go with his chicken nuggets. “You’re worse than a toddler.” I scoff.
I settle down next to Carolina, placing the second plate of fries in front of her.
She glares at me, a frown creasing her forehead. “I told you, I don’t want anything.”
I simply shrug and start munching on my fries. “I know.”
Fuck, I hate that these unhealthy fried sticks taste so good.
Carolina glances at the others, who’ve already started eating. “I’m not going to eat that. I told you, I’m not hungry,” she grumbles, but her protest is betrayed by a loud rumble from her stomach.
I smile, trying to hide it with another bite of a fry. “Just eat them. I’m not going to negotiate with you over three-dollar fries.”
She crosses her arms over her chest, her eyes burning holes into me. “I’m not some charity case,” she murmurs, her voice barely above a whisper.
“I know you’re not,” I say. “It’s just fries. Now shut up and eat.”