His eyes narrow. Now he looks irritated. “You let a friend into the basement, how?”
“It was an accident. He went down in the coffin elevator.”
“Idiot,” he hisses, running his hand through his long hair.
“Can you help?”
He shakes his head, turns, and walks to the kitchen, disappearing around the corner before reappearing seconds later where he shuts and locks the door, motioning me ahead into the darkness.
I turn my phone light on, and he snickers.
“What so funny?”
“You can’t see out here? The moon is bright enough.”
I look up at the sky, the dull glow of moonlight hidden behind the clouds.
“Let’s get one thing straight, Leena. Nobody is allowed in that basement,” he says as if he is my landlord.
“I told you it was an accident. Besides, you aren’t my boss.”
He abruptly stops, grabbing my arm. “You will stay out of the basement if you know what’s good for you!” he orders.
“Hey, let go,” I say, jerking my arm away. “I told you, I don’t even have a key.”
“Of course, you don’t. I saw to that.”
“What do you mean?”
“It’s none of your business.”
Once again, I’m reminded that I’ve entered a time portal. I’m the odd new thing trespassing on ancient tradition, seeking answers to secrets I have no right to know.
But I have to fight to be here. For me and mom and Rachel, I must.
“I’ll help you get your friend out on one condition,” he says as we pass the fountain.
“What’s that?”
“You must pose for me.”
“What? I can’t do that. I’m not a model, Zand.”
We stop just outside the hedge maze in the driveway.
“Say you will be my model, or I will not help you.”
I roll my eyes, shaking my head. This fucking man!
“Fine. Yes, okay.” I roll my eyes, turning and pushing past him.
Inside, when we reach Kimmie and Ritter, they are yelling down into the open elevator.
They both turn their heads. The look on Ritter’s face when he sees Zand is priceless. Mr. Macho is reduced to that of a pathetic boy about to get spanked. I don’t know what the deal between them is, but I can barely repress laughter.
I didn’t want to admit it to myself at the time, but when Ritter held me against my will, I was afraid of how far he would push me.