Page 80 of Menace

Rules he had used to keep Gloria’s memory fresh. Those rules were now shattered, gone, never to come back again. The lie that had ruled his life was gone. Never to return.

He felt no sense of loss, no guilt because he was falling in love with another woman. He no longer felt like he was cheating on a ghost. All he felt was rage at the lies that had ruled his life for so long.

For the first time in years he felt free, free to love someone else.

Free to love his woman, because that’s who she was, she was his, had been his since the first time he slid inside her on the beach. He just hadn’t realised it.

“Lucky? Are you okay?” Her worried voice drew him back to the present and he smiled as he stroked a hand up her side and cupped her breast.

“I’m so very okay,bébé(baby). I just got lost in some memories for a moment there. But I’m back, I’m here, with you, only you.” He pressed a kiss to her raised knee.

“When I left Cape Town I thought I would never see you like this again. Havin’ you laid out under me, takin’ me so beautifully is incredible. I will never get enough of you.” He whispered as he started moving faster.

Her eyes dilated and her mouth fell open as he flicked his thumb over her nipple while rubbing a finger over her glistening clit.

Faster and faster he powered into her, no longer able to go slow. Her hips met his with every down stroke. Both of them moaning and gasping as they strained towards release.

Grabbing her hips in his hands he lifted her and nearly lost his mind at the sensations sparking through him.

Her walls were fluttering, small contractions squeezing his cock as he pushed through the swollen muscles. She was almost there, almost.

On every down stroke he rubbed his pubic bone over her clit his eyes flicking between her red and stretched wide pussy and her widened eyes. Her mouth was open as she gasped for breath, and then he saw it. Saw her eyes go an almost icy white, her pussy clamping down on him as she started coming.

“Oh my god, Lucky.” She moaned her head thrashing from side to side.

She was incredibly tight, so tight it was a pleasure pain sensation to push through, but he did, chasing his own climax.

He felt it rushing closer and closer and started coming with a loud grunt.

“Fuck, little cat, this is so good, so fuckin’ good.”

Come exploded from the tip of his cock, filling the condom. It felt as if he came over and over again. It was the most incredible feeling. It would have been even more incredible if he could have taken her bare. It would happen, but not yet.

His hands were clamped around her hips, his groin shoved tight against hers, keeping him deep inside.

He knew she was going to have bruises and it made him feel like a fucking caveman.

A thrilled caveman because it marked her as his.

It was fucked up but it also wasn’t.

Her pussy was wet and warm and the best place in the world to be.

Keeping his groin pushed up against her he leaned over and fused their mouths together, kissing her as deep as his cock was inside her. Lifting his head he met her eyes.


He didn’t say more.

That one word let her know he was claiming her. She was his.

His woman, his old lady, and maybe even the mother of his child.

When his cock started to soften he took hold of the condom and slowly slid out of her, pulling it off he knotted it and dropped it on the floor. He would pick it up later. Gently rolling her to her side he lay down next to her. Looking deep into her eyes he saw contentment but he also saw fear.

It would be his job to wipe the fear from her beautiful eyes.

As it was his job to clean her up. Getting out of bed he picked up the used condom went into the bathroom, disposed of it and brought back a warm, wet cloth. He gently cleaned her, took the cloth to the bathroom then got back into bed with his woman.