Carmella’s hands hit her hips as she squared off in front of him. “You invite me to a party where you have to work? Am I supposed to hang around here waiting on you? That’s not happening, get someone else to do the job. I’m not going to sit at the bar while you’re doing whatever. What do you have to do anyway? It’s a party.”
Lucky tipped his head to the side and just stared at her. She changed tactics. Leaning forward she put her hands on his chest and stroked.
“If you have to work tonight why don’t you take me up to your room so I can make you feel good? Or we can go outside where it’s nice and dark and have some fun. I want you to think of me as you do what you have to do.” She whispered seductively.
It did nothing for him.
“Sorry, darlin’, no women allowed upstairs tonight. And I can’t leave the clubhouse, I appreciate the offer but can’t take you up on it. I have to be in here tonight.” Lucky kept his face blank, his eyes cold as he looked down at the bitch plastered against his chest.
He saw the fire in her eyes as she lost her temper but swallowed it down.
“I don’t know why you invited me if we can’t spend time together. What is the use of me being here when you aren’t with me?” She tossed her hair back over her shoulder and stepped away from him. “I’m going home. I’m not second best for any man. I’ll think about whether I want to see you again.”
Flinging her hair back over her shoulder she strutted away from him, her hips swaying. He stood with his arms crossed over his chest, watching her leave. His eyes caught those of Magic and his brother silently followed her out, making sure she left without causing any shit on the way out. Unfortunately she was still his responsibility while on SW property.
When Magic walked back in several minutes later and nodded he let out a breath he didn’t even know he’d been holding. He circulated around the room, greeting brothers he hadn’t seen in a while until he ended up at Maniac’s table. There was a reason he had come to his prez.
A very good reason.
Bending down he softly spoke to his prez, ensuring no one overheard him.
“She’s gone. I’m headin’ out.”
His prez nodded, he knew where he was going. “Be careful, Lucky. Make sure you’re not followed. Take a cage and use the back entrance.”
“Thanks, Prez. I’ll be back in time for the meet in the mornin’.”
His prez nodded and Lucky made his way to the security gate at the stairs, unlocked it, locked it behind him, then ran upstairs to his room. After throwing a few things in a small pack he left, taking the quickest way down the garages. Mouth suddenly appeared next to him.
“Prez told me to come with you. He said you would explain once we got out of here.”
Lucky frowned and was about to answer when his phone vibrated against his chest. Pulling it out he looked at the message.
Take Mouth with you.
It was an order, plain as day. An order he couldn’t refuse and wasn’t going to either. He knew he didn’t have to answer his prez’s message because he had been given an order and no answer was necessary.
“Let’s go prospect. What you see tonight goes to the grave with you, do you get me?” He liked the mouthy prospect but he had to let him know if he opened that mouth of his he would not like what happened to him.
“I got you, Lucky.” He gave a short nod and fell in next to him.
They didn’t speak until they were in the cage and driving down the back road.
“I don’t want to offend you, but I have to say this. That woman is fuckin’ awful, Lucky. I hope we’re not on our way to see her.” Mouth threw him an uncomfortable look.
He almost smiled, almost.
“No, Mouth, that’s not where we’re goin’. Like I said earlier, you keep your mouth shut about what you’re goin’ to see. Keep your eyes peeled, I want to know if we’re bein’ followed.”
Mouth did as he was told, watching their backs.
Driving past the house he saw there were still lights on. It wasn’t that late, only about ten thirty, and his woman was still up. He drove around the small suburb until he was sure they hadn’t been followed, only then did he head to his destination. The garage where the escape tunnel exited.
Mouth stayed silent as he texted Viper to let them know he was on his way in. The prospect watched in confusion as he drove into the yard of an empty house and remotely opened the garage, parked and stayed in the truck as it closed behind them. Getting out he motioned Mouth over then waited until the prospect stood next to him before he flipped on the torch, kept the red light down as he moved the tool bench aside to expose the hidden hatch. Pressing his thumb to the lock he listened for the click then opened it and motioned the prospect forward.
“Wow! This is so neat.” He grinned as he took the stairs down into the tunnel ahead of Lucky.
“And a secret, Prospect. A secret that carries a death sentence if you flap your lips.”