Page 70 of Menace

“He’s good, no problems at all. Ry is healthy and developing well for a premature baby.” I explained quickly, not wanting a long discussion.

“Good, I just wanted to find out how it went today. I can’t talk long. I’ll call again, not exactly sure when, but I will call. Look after yourself and your boy. Sleep well.”

He didn’t give me a chance to reply and I sat on the side of my bed with the silent phone in my hand suddenly feeling extremely tired and alone. He still called Rymyboy, notourboy.

I was so damned alone.

Physically shaking myself I stood, grabbed my tablet and the baby monitor and marched my ass downstairs. I wasn’t going to sit and mope in my room. I had nursery decorating themes to investigate.

I spent the evening with Bren making a list of all the stuff required to set up a nursery. It boggled my mind that one little baby needed the loads of things I had on my very long list. I had to make a decision on the colours and style I wanted and then I could start ordering most of it online.

I didn’t feel comfortable walking around a mall with Ry knowing that bad people were most probably watching me. It gave me the screaming heebie-jeebies.

Later lying in bed I went over my day and what Doc Ellen had said. My boy was doing well and growing like he should. It made me very happy.

I made a mental note to call Rider to give him an update. I actually just wanted to hear his voice and talk to him. Tell him what was happening around here and Lucky’s reaction to Ry.

I was lucky to have Rider as a friend, lucky to have Bren and Viper guarding us.

As for the rest, you made your own luck through hard work and perseverance.

Maybe it was because I was thinking about luck that my dreams were filled with lucky pennies and dragons and other weird magical nonsense.

I woke early, for me anyway, the dream staying with me and giving me an idea for Ry’s nursery. Magical lions and dragons, it would be so cool.

I went through my morning routine, cleaning Ry up, feeding him and putting him on my bed surrounded by cushions. I then plumped the rest of the cushions and settled against the headboard. I followed the strict rules set up by Asa using a new burner every time I called. Usually that’s all it was, a call, not this time though. This time it was going to be a video call.

With the six hour time difference between Savannah and South Africa nine in the morning was the ideal time to call Pixie. It was three in the afternoon at home.

Yes, it would always be home.

“Hey you, how’s it going over there? I spoke to Ink yesterday and he was very pleased with how things are going. He says the studio is very busy, that all of you are fully booked up for the next two months and more.”

“Hey there, it’s going really well and it’s true, we have so many bookings we’re busy from early until late. Mark is an amazing front of house guy, and he’s been getting the word out on social media which has brought in a lot of clients. We haven’t been able to take walk-ins because we’re totally booked up. Ink said if it carries on like this we’ll eventually have to expand.” I wiggled my eyebrows. “It means your brand is growing, soon you’ll be all over the world.”

“I’m not interested in being some big business mogul. I agreed to Savannah because I have clients in the US and having a studio there makes it easier for me when I come over. I thought about setting up in LA or Vegas but when Ink approached me I went with Savannah because of the club connection and Remy’s family. It worked out well for us, didn’t it?”

She had no idea. No time like the present.

“I have something to tell you. Actually, it might be better if I just show you. This is Ryder.”

I didn’t give her a chance to say anything, I just tilted the phone to show her my boy kicking and chewing on his fists. I watched her face as it went from smiling to confused to shocked.

“What the hell? What the hell is that? When did that happen? Those are your eyes! Who’s the daddy?” She shook her head. “I’m…I’m not sure what to say apart from, what the hell?”

I tilted the phone back up. “I’m sorry, I wanted to tell you sooner but I couldn’t. I had to tell the father first and that wasn’t easy. Asa and his guys know and I was only recently able to tell the father and that’s why…”

She threw a hand up.

“Stop. Stop right there.” She pointed at me. “You are a part of my family and that makes your baby my family as well. Would I have liked to find out sooner? For sure, but what’s important is that you’re safe, that your baby is safe. And our babies are going to grow up together, and that makes me so happy. Who is this child’s daddy? Is he in the picture? And if he is, is he helping you financially and is he there to help keep you safe?”

Biting my bottom lip I closed my eyes then opened them and told her.

“Lucky is the father but he doesn’t believe me. He wants a DNA test to confirm paternity.”

Her eyes went huge and her head jerked to the side.

“What the fuck?” Was roared from somewhere off screen.