“I’m aware that the IDMC have gone mostly legit and they will stay that way. We won’t be drawin’ them into our shit, not much anyway, I just need their access to the port authorities. I’ve reached out to Kid, the VP in Cape Town, to test the waters and he suggested the Sinners Sons to partner in the deal. He assures me they’re trustworthy, plus they’re his family. Apparently his father is the President of the Sinners in Cape Town, and that means the two clubs are tied up tight.”
“Damn, Ren, that’s fuckin’ intricate shit. So many players in the mix, are you sure we should do this?”
Lucky tried to puzzle out how it would fit together.
Ren grinned. “Oh yeah, bro, it’s intricate but it’s also fuckin’ perfect. We use our import/export company to bring in fuckin’ fruit or whatever the fuck Maingarde wants us to bring in. It will all be done with legit contracts and we won’t be bringin’ in product on every shipment. That would be stupid. It won’t be regular either and it will be kept to a need to know in the club. We can’t have whispers gettin’ to the wrong ears.”
Lucky agreed with him, it would have to be kept to a select group of brothers.
“What happens once the product gets here? Are we sellers or distributors?”
“A bit of both. The club has several agreements in place we can’t get out of right now but we’ll be workin’ on it.”
That sounded odd.
“You sayin’ we’ll be gettin’ out of the guns business? The brothers aren’t goin’ to like hearin’ that, it’s where most of their money packets come from.” Lucky watched Ren closely, waiting on his reaction.
The brother only smiled and shrugged.
“What’s that shrug about?”
“I’ll be lookin’ at ways to streamline our business, lessening our exposure. I’m tired of visitin’ brothers servin’ time for drug related offenses. We’re never goin’ to be sellin’ or mulin’ drugs again, not on my watch. I want us to be as safe as we can be when handlin’ the businesses we retained and to do that we have to change the way we do business. I’m still workin’ on ways to make it work.” He explained.
“Why are you talkin’ to me about your plans? What does it have to do with me?” Lucky was confused.
Ren sat forward and his blue eyes were hard and intent, his voice soft but firm.
“There will come a day, sometime in the future, when Maniac is goin’ to step down. He’s tapped me as the one he wants to take up the gavel. Until that time comes he’s trainin’ me, teachin’ me how to run not just this chapter butallthe chapters.”
He was silent for a few seconds, letting it sink in before he continued.
“I’ve chosen my VP and SAA and given our Prez their names.”
This was huge, so fucking huge. It meant Maniac was preparing Renegade to take over the Shadow Wraiths MC as their National President when he stepped down. Everyone knew Ren was going to be their chapter President one day. But their NP? No one would be expecting that.
He didn’t know what to say so he just sat and stared at him.
That is when Ren dropped a bomb on him.
“You’re my choice for Vice President.” He stated quietly.
Lucky’s eyes widened in shock and he shook his head because that couldn’t be right. .
“Me? What? I thought Dive would be sittin’ on your right when the time came.”
“No, bro, he doesn’t want it. He wants the SAA position and I gave it to him. He agrees with me that you’re the best choice as VP.” He smiled. “Not that you have to worry about that shit for the next few years but I wanted you to know so you’re aware why Maniac will be callin’ on you more often. Like you and Dive takin’ his back at the meet, and the shit we’re about to handle today, and settin’ up the deal with the Irish and the South Africans. We’re goin’ to be called to be more involved in the runnin’ of the club, so be prepared.”
Lucky was stunned but at the same time incredibly honoured.
“When I came in today I was comin’ to spill that fucker’s blood, not for a single second did I expect this to happen. I’m honoured you chose me, Renegade. I won’t let you down, Boss.”
Ren stood and walked around the desk, Lucky met him halfway. They grasped forearms, pulled each other close and delivered two hard slaps on each other’s backs.
Lucky was a bit dazed with everything Ren had laid out but what he understood clearly was that from this day forward he would be taking and protecting his future president’s back. At the same time he would be Renegade’s sounding board, someone he could talk to about his plans and ideas for the club.
It would be up to him to help his future president make the right decisions for the brothers and the club.
It was a big fucking responsibility.