He smiled and nodded. “We did, baby, and he’s fine. They didn’t hurt him, in actual fact I think he was spoilt because he now cries if we put him down. He wants to be carried around all the time.”
I blinked tears of relief from my eyes.
“Maybe he just wants his Mama.”
“I think you’re right, babe. Little man has been sniffing at all the females and none of them seems to smell right to him.” Rider teased. “We weren’t allowed to bring him in here so he’s outside in the waiting room with Asa.”
Lucky nodded. “As soon as they transfer you to your room he’ll be allowed in to see you. I spoke to your doctor earlier and he said you’re making good progress, so it will be soon.”
I sighed dejectedly. I wanted out of here so badly.
My protective lions sat in their chairs and watched over me while keeping our conversations to safe topics. Their visit ended the minute my doctor walked in. I didn’t want them to leave but it was time to change bandages and stuff and it was better done without the two of them around.
I didn’t want either of them to see what Pablo had done to me, not yet anyway. I knew they would both lose their shit and this wasn’t a safe place to do so.
I endured the examination and cleaning of my wounds in silence.
I had only one question for the doc.
“When can I get out of here?”
Doctor Nesbit gave a small smile but kept writing on my chart before setting it to the side. His eyes were kind when they met mine.
“Everything looks good so far. If you keep improving you’ll be out of here soon. I’ll be leaving instructions with the charge nurse. Please listen to her.” He patted my foot. “I’ll be back in the morning and then we’ll make a decision on moving you.”
He was gone before I could ask another question or say anything.
Unfortunately by the next morning my wounds had decided to mess with me.
Two days later
After a slight setback that kept me in ICU, this morning I was finally moved to a private room on the surgical floor. According to my nurse I would be able to start walking and strengthening my body.
But the best thing? The best thing was that today Ry would visit with me.
Getting out of the ICU had been my first goal, the second was to see my baby boy.
I had reached my first goal and was about to realise the second.
I was impatiently waiting and if I could have I would have bounced in place but I was too sore to do anything so vigorous. So I kept it to waving my hands in the air.
If anyone looked into my room they would have thought I was deranged. And I was, just a teeny tiny bit.
I was about to see my boy. My little Ryder. Lucky had taken photos of him but it hadn’t been enough. Nowhere near enough.
I couldn’t wait to see him, to hold him, to smell him, to hug him, to kiss his cheeks and love him.
Lucky had given me updates every day but it had not filled the empty space in my heart.
My badass biker had the nurses at the ICU and the surgical floor eating out of the palm of his hand.
And how did he do that?
Easy, he charmed them with his suddenly broad Cajun accent and sexy smiles. More than one of the nurses, like the charge nurse, had huge crushes on him. I didn’t blame them, he was hot, he was funny, and he was a fantastic dad and partner, and he was mine.
According to one of the nurses he was the sweetest dad they had seen in a long time.
While I had been in ICU he had divided his time between the clubhouse and the hospital. He slept on a cot one of the nurses had set up for him in a room outside the ICU. The cot somehow came with me when I was moved and was now set up in the corner of my room. My man was definitely not going anywhere. He trusted no one to guard me, only himself and Rider.