Page 109 of Menace

Lucky held up a hand to cut him short.

“There’s no way you could have known he was a rat, Mouth. He played all of us, not just you. He’s been here longer than you and none of us suspected a thing. It’s on us, the brothers, and on his mentor. We should have picked it up, we didn’t, and the bastard played all of us.”

Mouth looked relieved then shook his head.

“I want to be there when we find him, Boss. He needs to hurt for what he did to Viper, Magic and Bren.” He growled viciously.

“And he needs to die in agony for helpin’ them to take Harper and baby Ry. She’s always nice and treats us with respect, unlike some of the women here at the club. Not everyone respects a prospect; she’s one of the few who do.”

It was true there were some of the club women and the sluts who had to be spoken to harshly over their treatment of the prospects. Specifically those who tried to treat them like they were their personal slaves. Forgetting the men were serving a probationary period before a vote that could see them patched in to the club. And once they got their patch, those very same sluts were the first in line to offer up their bodies. Most of them in the hopes of snaring an old lady patch.

Stupid bitches.

“Believe me Mouth, we find the motherfucker alive he’s gonna wish he was dead.”

“Good. He deserves to die in agony.” Mouth growled.

A loud knock had Lucky looking towards the door and meeting Dive’s eyes.

“Byte’s got some footage he wants to show us, brother. You too, Mouth.”

Lucky didn’t ask questions, he got up and followed him to their chapel.

Everyone was there, waiting on him, and apparently on Mouth.

The other prospects were standing against the wall just inside the door and Mouth joined them while Lucky went to his place at the table and sat down.

Byte stood next to the screen against the wall and clicked something as he spoke.

“I’ve been going through the footage we retrieved from some of the cameras at the house. We lost footage from a couple of the cameras but not all of them. I’ve put what we have together and it gives us a clear picture of exactly how it went down.”

Byte went back to his seat, sat down and clicked a button on his laptop.

There were pissed off mumbles and growls as they watched several blacked out SUV’s pull up down the block from the house in broad daylight. Watched as Flag slid out and pointed the way to several black clad men who disappeared into the overgrown brush of a garden. The prospect got into the back of the vehicle at the front of the group and was driven closer to the house. A few feet down the road, where the cameras would be on him, Flag rolled out of the vehicle with blood dripping from his face and started running towards the garage. One of the men gave chase, but not putting any effort in. Flag frantically waved at the camera as he neared the garage doors, diverting attention to him. It gave those waiting a chance to sneak up to the cameras and disable them. Those they knew about at least.

Lucky watched as Flag ran down the tunnel and hammered on the steel door to be let in. His voice was panicked as he begged to be let in. He had a gun in his hand when the door opened and shot Bren almost point blank. Harper’s bodyguard twisted his body at the last minute. It’s what saved him, if he hadn’t he would have been shot in the heart and killed.

They watched as the seriously wounded man grabbed the steel door and slammed it into the prospect’s head, knocking him down, giving him a chance to get away. Before he stumbled out he slammed a hand down on the keyboard, the action alerting the clubhouse they were under attack. It was agony to watch him clutching his chest and stumbling up the stairs.

Instead of staying on Bren the video skips to the outside of the house.

Their brothers never stood a fucking chance. They were up against overwhelming numbers. The two of them against eight or ten men, Lucky wasn’t sure exactly how many, but more than Viper and Magic could handle on their own with minimal ammunition.

A collective groan and vicious swearing filled the room when both brothers went down.


“Fucking bastards.”

“Gonna kill those motherfuckers.”

The attackers stepped over their fallen brothers and converged on the house. Then they split up, half went back to the entrance to the tunnel the other half to the back door and into the house. One of the blacked out vehicles drove up and parked across the driveway, essentially blocking it.

Brendan O’Connor hadn’t stood a chance in hell of getting Harper and Ry out of the house.

It was what happened in her bedroom that had every single brother looking at Lucky and wordlessly letting him know how much they admired her quick thinking.

Quick thinking that saved a man’s life.