Page 7 of The Edge

Devine looked skeptically at her.

She caught this look and explained, “Our relationship had changed, Agent Devine. She was a grown woman who no longer needed or wanted my advice or counseling.”

“But she called you, even though you two were estranged. Must have been a reason.”

“If there was it eluded me.”

“Okay, anyguessas to what she was referring to about the ‘unfinished business’?”


“And your other children?”

“Dak and Alex. They still live in the family home.”

“Any idea why they want to live in an ugly, old Gothic house?”

“They apparently like it there. I lived there with the kids while Curt was in Congress. Neither one of us wanted the children to be here, in the limelight.”

“What do they do?”

“Alex is the youngest, and an artist. And an incredibly talented one who could make a fine living if she would ever get an agent. I’ve been told by old friends up there that she also teaches art in the public school on a part-time basis.” She paused and smiled, but it was accompanied by a sad, bittersweet expression.

She said, “Jenny was the golden child. Brilliant, enormously driven, lovely, she had it all. But Alex was no slouch, either. She was more beautiful than Jenny, and smart, too. Because of her late birthday she was always the youngest in her class. Then, because of her ability, she skipped an entire grade in elementary school. Not even Jenny managed to do that,” she added.

“And your son?”

“Dak has a tattoo parlor and some other business interests up there. He’s very entrepreneurial. I think he wants to make a zillion dollars to show he doesn’t need any of us. He was in the Army but got discharged.”

“Can I ask why?”

“Dak can tell you, if he wants.”

“Could Jenny have been going to see them?”

“It’s possible. I’ve tried to call both of them but they haven’t gotten back to me.”

“Were your kids close with one another?”

“They used to be. But life changes people, you know?”

“Yes, ma’am. But I guess Dak and Alex get along, if they live together.”

“It’s a big house,” she said simply. “Big enough to feel like one is living alone.”

“Where and when will the funeral take place?”

“There won’t be one. In her will Jenny stipulated that she wanted to be cremated and her ashes scattered over the ocean. No ceremony, no fuss.”

“I guess she was the sort to plan ahead?”

“I just wish she had managed to stay alive until long after I was dead and buried!”

“Well, she had no choice in the matter,” he pointed out.

Sniffling, Clare said, “Curt doesn’t even know she’s gone.”

Devine noted, “Maybe that’s for the best. When was the last time you saw Alex or Dak?”